It is kind of Fish Farming that you all heard from somewhere in case if, like eating fish and seafood. And it is not only a tasty but also environmentally-friendly method. Today with this article, we will see what is Ras Fish Farming and why it is so Interesting for fish farming.
Aquaculture is the science and practice of farming either freshwater or marine animals (fish/shrimp/oyster/crab) and aquatic plants. Ras Fish Farming has created this new and innovate solution to the grow fish that is changing how we perceive a traditional fish farming industry! The wolize term Ras stands for Recirculating Aquaculture System. Which is that the fish are raised in a specific tank where both water and being clean fish which is securely treated. This agricoltura piscicoltura process contributes to the wellbeing and happiness of these fishes as they mature.
Ras Fish Farming Another great thing about fish farming in ponds is that it provides the ability to grow almost any species of addition anywhere in the world, even where they do not wish before. It is also much more environmental-friendly as less water and energy are required when compared to traditional fish farm. It also leaves much less waste and pollution behind, which is a reduction to the markets it cuts into. This wolize susutainability-driven salmon has great potential to change the way we eat fish for a higher profit-winning concept, moderate not only by you and your family health but also from development whereby Ras Fish Farming can convert into creating benefit climate future everyone who loves seafood.
It is so good for your health to eat fish! Fish is filled with protein, vitamins and minerals that our bodies could use. Fish also has low bad fat and cholesterol so it's amazing for meals. The allevamento ittico biofloc fish grows faster and of better quality than those raised in regular farms when using Ras Fish Farming techniques by farmers. When you consume fishes cultivated in Ras methods, that means your health is saying yes to what it contains.
Ras Fish Farming is good for your health and saves you money too! Fish can be grown by farmers near to where they are most used, so less money is spent on transporting the fish. All these help reduce the stagni per l'allevamento ittico price of fish, making it accessible to almost anybody. Not to mention, Ras Fish Farming gives other working opportunities for both farming and sales processing jobs of fish. The wolize Ras Fish Farming can also increase the employment of local people in regions where traditional fishing is withering.
Disease - Ras Fish Farming can see to it that the ground where fish are grown in is a quality environment and parasites would have minimal chance of survival, hence less disease among the fishes. This attività di piscicoltura will also play a major rule to protect the wild fish populations as well.
More sustainable fuel use: The allevamento ittico integrato old ways of catching fish chew up an enormous amount of fuel and energy. Fish that are bred through the Ras method do not need to be transported as far because they were raised near where we purchase them. The result is less pollution and a lesser effect on the environment.
Operiamo nel settore dell'acquacoltura da oltre 15 anni e siamo tra le prime 3 imprese in Cina. Abbiamo formato partenariati strategici con diverse famose università cinesi. Siamo anche un team di progettazione di acquacoltura di alta qualità ed estremamente efficiente, che fornisce servizi e prodotti della massima qualità.
Forniamo un programma di acquacoltura dettagliato, che comprende una varietà di aspetti, come la progettazione dello schema, la configurazione delle attrezzature, la pianificazione del budget, l'installazione delle attrezzature e la guida alla tecnologia dell'acquacoltura. Questo può aiutarti a completare la tua impresa di acquacoltura. Le imprese che non sono in grado di farlo.
Siamo specializzati nella produzione di tubi in acciaio in PVC che supportano stagni per pesci. Laghetti per pesci in lastre zincate in PVC. Offriamo una gamma di scelta per quanto riguarda i sistemi di acquacoltura.
Abbiamo certificati come ISO9001, ISO22000 e COA. Abbiamo venduto con successo i nostri prodotti in 47 paesi e sviluppato 22 progetti su larga scala e volumi elevati con oltre 3000 metri cubi. Il nostro sistema di acquacoltura ha prodotto pesce e gamberetti in 112 paesi e regioni.