

Pond culture

Ponds are a great spot to locate all kinds of creatures! Frogs hopping between one lily pad to another or you might spot some colorful fish wadding. Have you ever thought of fish-farming in your own yard pond? This joyous hobby is known as Pond Culture and it can bring so much pleasure to the activity! 

Select the right kind of fishes: This is very important to choose the types of fish you want in your pond. This comes down to how big your wolize บ่อเลี้ยงปลา is and also where you live so that you can keep in mind the temperature of water which some fish are able to survive in better than others. You must also maintain cleanliness of the water and ensure providing enough oxygen to let fish breathe. One way of doing that is testing the water from time to time.


There are many different types of fish food, such as pellets, flaked food and even living insects. Feed fish as much as they can consume in 2 or 3 minutes. You can cause the water to become dirty and possibly harm your fish if you feed them too much. It is better to monitor the food you feed them! 

Aquaculture is the practice of raising fish or other waterborne animals is another common technique used to grow-out tanks or ponds. It is at the larval rearing stage where fish, sometimes referred to as fry; after emerging from eggs or live-birth have reached a size suitable for sale, usually between 1-3 inches depending on species, are held here until they reach market weight and size. You will need to monitor the water quality of wolize pond aquaculture, feed your fish adequately and keep a watchful eye for any disease or sickness.

Why choose wolize Pond culture?



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