Ever heard of an Aquaponic raft system? It is a great way to raise fish and plants at the same time! That way you can have the same special farm that does 2 different farms. How awesome is that? How great would be to eat fresh vegetables and fish from the same source
An Aquaponic raft system just isn't cool; it's also a very good way to the earth! The way it operates is this: the fish create waste, that serves as food for plants. The water is then cleaned by the plants, and that clean water goes back to fish. This Wolize process is a wonderful cycle that benefits both the plants and fish. Aside from being free of harmful chemicals or pesticides which could harm our planet. Growing food as nature intended, in a way that allows the entire ecosystem to be healthy
If you are still completely new into it, the very first question that might come to your mind will be how I make an 水耕栽培 raft system. But, it is actually possible with some effort and creativity! Initially, you would require a raft, some PVC heartbeats and get yourself another fish tank. Those things would get you able to construct your system. From here you will put it all together in a way that is conducive to work as we discussed before. It will take a few tries though but that is the fun part of it. Wolize is a great learning experience when you build it and gives hands on opportunity as well.
アクアポニックス・ラフトシステムの最も優れた点の1つは、実際により多くの植物や魚を育てることができることです。従来の農業方法よりも多くの食料をここで育てることができます。これは巨大なスーパーファームです!さらに、 アクアポニックス 魚 これらすべてを自動で行うので、植物に時々肥料を与える手間がかかりません。文字通り、あなたの命と時間を節約し、他の楽しいことにもっと時間を費やすことができます。
ウォリゼ aquaponics plants raft systems could help revolutionize agriculture. There are still so many things that traditional farming does to hurt our planet and is not sustainable moving forward. Aquaponic systems allow us to develop plants and fish that boost the globe as well as our communities. It’s a win-win situation! You get fresh food and you learn about science, about nature in a fun way. What are you going to do with the sustainability minded person in your life who wants to farm or make a difference but also likes fish and tomatoes?
当社は ISO9001、ISO22000、COA、CE などの認証を取得しています。当社の製品は 47 の地域と国に販売され、22 立方メートルを超える 3000 の大規模養殖施設が建設されました。当社の養殖システムは 112 の国と地域で魚やエビを生産しています。
当社は、養魚池用の PVC 鋼管サポートの設計と製造を専門としています。養魚池用の PVC 亜鉛メッキ プレート。養殖設備には幅広い選択肢があります。
当社は 15 年以上にわたり水産養殖業に携わっており、中国でトップ 3 に入る企業です。中国のさまざまな有名な大学と戦略的提携を結び、高品質で効率の高い水産養殖設計チームを擁しており、最高品質の製品とサービスをお客様に提供しています。