Aquaculture involves the growing of fish, shrimp and other sea creatures. This type of farming is practiced worldwide and it has a great importance because this farming provides food for the entire world. While fish is a big part of many people's diets, especially those living near the bay. But the outdated methods of farming these animals can actually be harmful to the environment and use up resources. This means we have to start growing seafood in smarter ways which benefit both people and nature.
Another even better way to farm marine life is called Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, or RAS for short. RAS is an intelligent technology that provides not only environmentally safe and healthy feed, but also savings for nature. This is reminiscent that using wolize ras recirkulacijski sustav akvakulture we are able to eat tasty fish and shrimp while being respectful of our planet.
With typical fish or shrimp-growing techniques, refuse from the animals can accumulate in the water. This pollution can cause harm of the transportation and discharge water creatures. The good news is that with wolize RAS, the waste gets filtered out before it even has a chance to do harm. This leads to being a more sustainable and safer way of farming seafood, making it much healthy for consumers.
Dodatno, sa ras sustav akvakultura we can control the environment of farming much better. Farmers are given the power to monitor and change vital elements such as water temperature and pH levels. These changes contribute to a great environment for the development of fish or shrimp. Thus, RAS is a faster and more cost-effective method of delivering seafood than older ways. It is an excellent pathway to help satisfy the increasing demand for seafood in a sustainable way.
RAS has many environmental advantages. It is highly advantageous as it helps to curb pollution. In standard aquaculture, waste can gather in these fish ranches and make turmoil on creatures who dwell close-by. However, wolize ras akvakultura is able to harvest that waste in a way that it isn't detrimental to the surrounding environment. This leads to healthier ecosystems and happier fish.
Further, RAS consumes lower water in comparison to the previous means of method which assists for saving entire water sources. This is the most important thing because water for our planet is very cheap, and if we consume less then Mother Earth will be healthy. RAS systems Proizvodi can also be constructed just about anywhere, from urban hubs to the middle of nowhere Seafood can therefore be made where it is consumed, which cuts down on transportation and pollution of moving seafood around.
Imamo više od 15 godina iskustva u proizvodnji u industriji akvakulture. Među tri smo najveće tvrtke u kineskoj industriji akvakulture. Imamo strateške saveze s brojnim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima i sigurno imamo kvalificirani tim inženjera sustava visoke gustoće i inženjera koji mogu pružiti proizvode i usluge najbolje kvalitete.
Specijalizirani smo za proizvodnju ribnjaka od PVC čeličnih cijevi, ribnjaka od PVC pocinčane ploče, kao i opreme za akvakulturu, PVC vrećica za ne pitku vodu EVA vrećica za pitku vodu TPU vrećica za ulje PE spremnika za vrećice za tekućinu koje su jednokratne. Nudimo širok izbor opreme za sustav akvakulture.
Imamo certifikat ISO9001, ISO22000 i COA. Isporučili smo svoje proizvode u 47 zemalja i izgradili 22 velika projekta velikog volumena s više od 3000 kubičnih metara. Naši sustavi akvakulture koriste se za proizvodnju škampa i ribe u 112 zemalja.
U mogućnosti smo vam pružiti opsežan plan akvakulture koji pokriva različite aspekte kao što su dizajn programa, konfiguracija opreme, planiranje proračuna, instalacija opreme. Pomoći će vam da dovršite provedbu cijelog projekta akvakulture. To je nešto što obična poduzeća ne mogu pružiti.