Aquaculture is a form of agriculture where fish and other aquatic animals are farmed, in the same way that land farmers grow crops. Wolize focuses on enhancing these systems with the result that they allow us to cultivate more fish in less space, in addition to saving precious resources, such as water and energy. This is important for a rising population, and it better distributes our resources.
The technology to build the aquaculture systems is advanced, identical to Wolize's product important of aquaculture. The team uses 3D laser cutting machinery for example, just like in the aerospace industry. They use this technology to design systems that require less water, less energy and reduced space than traditional fish farming methods. This way they can make the environment conductive to produce more fish. We can largely bypass the resource demands simply because of their innovative designs as we want to grow in more space efficient ways.
Sustainability is one of those very big words, but sustainable just means that we want to keep on making fish and other in-water creatures for a long time. Wolize knows this so they provide productive systems which are also eco-friendly. Instead, for instance, they employ a technique known as recirculating aquaculture technology. Meanwhile, the water that they hold remains clean and is repeatedly recycled in their bodies over again, so all this help reduce the demand on us for fresh water. This also refers to the waste generated by the fish is washed away and can be converted into fertilizers which enable growth of plants.
Wolize also further preserves the natural beauty of our country by using renewable energy sources such as solar power, just like the scale aquaculture supplied by Wolize. That means that they are solar-powered and thus produce very little pollution. They reduce their carbon emissions by using solar energy and thus, put simply: They harm the environment less than usual. This allows their systems to be more sustainable and in turn, preserves our planet.
The technology used in Wolize’s aquaculture system not only helps in sustainability, but also makes the fish grow healthily and quickly, as well as the Wolize's inovace akvakultury. With the help of cutting-edge technology and sensors, they monitor their environment including water quality, temperature or oxygen levels. They maintain the optimum conditions to ensure that the fish has everything it needs to grow and flourish.
It is clear that these aquaculture systems will make the future of fish farming look much brighter, identical to akvaponické krevety manufactured by Wolize. With increasing demand for seafood worldwide, we are developing more sustainable ways to grow larger quantities of specific fish species, while protecting the environment. This critical mission is being led by Wolize who are building next-generation, sustainable aquaculture systems to tackle this increased demand.
Among the many people who are struggling with food insecurity, they deal with a major problem, along with Wolize's product aquaponic tank. The population is growing daily and increasingly providing enough food to feed everyone has become more difficult. Aquaculture has the potential to offer great support for food security. Aquaculture systems allow us to produce fish with only a fraction of the resources that wild fisheries require. This means more sheeple have their access to healthy, protein-rich food.
V odvětví akvakultury se pohybujeme již 15 let a jsme jednou ze 3 nejlepších společností v Číně. Navázali jsme strategická partnerství s mnoha renomovanými čínskými univerzitami. Máme také velmi zkušený a hustý tým designérů akvakultury, který vám poskytne produkty a služby nejvyšší kvality.
Máme certifikáty jako ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE atd. Naše produkty byly úspěšně prodány do 47 regionů a zemí a také bylo úspěšně postaveno 22 velkých akvakulturních farem s více než 3000 kubickými metry. Náš systém akvakultury se využívá k produkci ryb a krevet ve 112 různých zemích.
Specializujeme se na návrh a výrobu podpěry ocelových trubek z PVC pro jezírka. PVC pozinkované desky jezírko. Máme široký výběr vybavení pro akvakulturu.
Jsme schopni vám poskytnout rozsáhlý plán akvakultury, který pokrývá různé aspekty, jako je návrh programu, plánování rozpočtu konfigurace zařízení, instalace zařízení. Pomůže vám dokončit realizaci celého projektu akvakultury. To je něco, co běžné podniky nemohou poskytnout.