Have you ever thought about having a fish farm? A place where fish are bred and sold. All you fish farm buyers, there is one on the market right now. The first thing that we will look through is what this fish farm offers:
The location for this farm is sunny and scenic with resevoir full of sweet tidal water. It features a variety of large, deep ponds that stock the fish. The ponds are large enough to provide plenty of places for the fish thrive and swim. In addition, the farm has been well maintained and you can start working on it right away.
Profitable Business to get into with this Fish Farm for Sale
Starting a Fish Farm can be very profitable. Fish - fish are always popular material and you will never run out of customers to sell them to. In addition to running a successful business, you will also be providing people with healthy and renewable protein by owning this fish farm. Investing in this fish farm is an investment in a lucrative market with great scope for expansion!
This fish farm is ready for business once you buy it. The fish farm is optional and depending upon the requirement of client, if not then it can be converted back to ponds filled with water ready for hosting fishes. Also tools like nets and feeders that you would need once your ready to be started. By setting it up, you will practically start making money right away. With fish faring being such a lucrative business venture, we see promising high ROI on this farm.
This is an opportunity to acquire one of the best fish farm available for sale if you are in market for a Fish Farm. It has prime location, as well it's a newer condo and move-in ready. In addition to this, having a fish farm is also kept as the most lucrative business. If you are interested in buying this farm, be sure to contact the owner and make an offer.
This fish farm is not just an investment; it's a step caused towards environmental sustainability. Fish is a sustainable source of protein and can be farmers killed without causing the environment damage Buying into this fish farm helps support basic sustainability and the health of our planet. On top of that, and considering the large appetites for fish in this region you are likely to make a lot of money investing into such an asset.
In addition to the opportunity for profit, being in control of your very own fish farm also represents a way of making a positive difference on our world. With its perfect location and ready for operation this specific farm is an excellent chance to grow profitable, real products. If you are looking to buy a fish farm then this is one that could do very well.
Vă putem oferi planuri complete de acvacultură care acoperă multe aspecte precum proiectarea schemei, configurații pentru planificarea bugetului echipamentelor, instalarea echipamentelor. Vă poate ajuta mai bine în execuția întregii întreprinderi de acvacultură, lucru pe care afacerile obișnuite nu pot oferi.
Suntem în industria acvaculturii de peste 15 ani și suntem una dintre primele 3 întreprinderi din China. Am dezvoltat alianțe strategice cu diverse universități chineze renumite și, de asemenea, cu o echipă de proiectare a acvaculturii de înaltă calitate și foarte eficientă, care vă va oferi produse și servicii de cea mai bună calitate.
ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, etc sunt certificările obținute. Ne-am exportat cu succes produsele în 47 de țări și am construit 22 de proiecte la scară mare, de mare volum, cu peste 3000 de metri cubi. Sistemul nostru de acvacultură este utilizat pentru a crește creveți și pești în 112 țări.
Suntem experți în proiectarea și fabricarea țevilor din oțel PVC care susțin iazurile cu pești. Placi PVC galvanizate iazuri cu peste. Putem oferi o varietate de opțiuni în designul și echipamentele utilizate în sistemele de acvacultură.