It is a type of garden which can be made inside the house or in our outdoor, backyards. Aquaponics have been a big help in making sure that people use their urban space wisely and produce food where they themselves live. This agricultura acvatică garden is great for someone who doesn't have a ton of space outside OR it is just a fun way to give the kids something exciting and new to eat during meal time. Aquaponics is a system where fish and plants help each other out to grow. The fishes are to be grown in a tank and the waste produced by them serves as a natural fertilizer for plants. Plants also filter the water for fish. This Wolize product creates a natural cycle that allows the fish and plants to grow together in harmony.
One other final advantage of Aquaponics to consider is that it grows organic food, ie: Without Chemicals. This way, people can choose what kinds of plants or fish they wish to grow and ensure that everything is really organic. In addition to being better for our health, organic food is also much friendlier with mother earth. Utilizing space wisely is the key, and Aquaponics can help individuals to achieve the utmost out of their garden place by growing acvacultură fish and plants in the same amount of space, an Aquaponics system is a smart way to garden
With it, people can grow fruits and vegetables as well as fish inside their homes, which is an absolute godsend if you are stuck for outdoor space - or live in the cold climates (like Antarctica) where outside gardening is very difficult. A big advantage of Acvaponia is it never uses soil and hence the system becomes neat & clean, no mess to clear up after all these as well a far less concern about bugs or pests. It can be a very stress-free hobby as well, because you get to just sit down and watch fish swim around while the plants grow in your own living room.
In Aquaponics, the places we can put them truly are limitless. An Sistemul acvaponic can grow a wide variety of plants and fish. A few of the plants that love Aquaponics and even thrive in it are lettuce, spinach, other greens and many different herbs. This way, you can also raise your own fish like tilapia and trout that are not only delicious but has more nutritional value. This way, you can make a million different recipes and delicious meals with the food that grows. Also, you can get snazzy and develop your Aquaponics structure so as to characterize who you are meld it not just functional but in addition creative efficient.
Here we will reveal the foundation of what Aquaponics sistem de acvacultură is and why it is simple for whatever person to grasp. In order to install an Aquaponics system you need a tank, in which fish are breed and area for growing plants. Fish create ammonia in their waste, and if enough wastes build up in the tank it will harm them. However, the plants can utilize ammonia as fertilizer to assist them in proper growth. The plants in return clean and filter the water for us as well as returning nutrient-rich filtered water back to a central fish tank. By replenishing the carbon dioxide levels in this way, it assists all of our fish and plants to be as healthy as possible during their time with us. Every species will have a different requirement for necessary CO2 uptake and production. This Wolize cycle is what helps both types meld perfectly together. The first element is fish and the second its plant and you have done it. The system running now should add more fishes in a week or two if you wish.
Avem peste 15 ani de experiență în producție în domeniul acvaculturii și suntem una dintre primele trei întreprinderi din sectorul acvaculturii chinez. Avem parteneriate strategice cu diverse universități chineze de renume și echipă cu siguranță calificată de designeri de sisteme care sunt de înaltă densitate și ingineri care sunt capabili să ofere produse și servicii de cea mai bună calitate.
Suntem specializați în producerea de țevi din oțel din PVC pentru susținerea iazului cu pești, iazuri de pește galvanizate PVC și echipamente de acvacultură, saci PVC pentru apă nepotabilă TPU, saci EVA pentru apă potabilă Saci cu ulei TPU Recipiente PE pentru saci de lichide de unică folosință. Sistemele de acvacultură pot fi echipate cu o gamă largă de opțiuni.
Oferim un program detaliat de acvacultură, care cuprinde o varietate de aspecte, cum ar fi proiectarea schemei, precum și configurația echipamentelor, planificarea bugetului, instalarea echipamentelor și îndrumarea tehnologiei acvaculturii. Acest lucru vă poate ajuta să vă finalizați afacerea în acvacultură. Afaceri care nu sunt capabile să facă asta.
We have certificates such as ISO9001, ISO22000 and COA. We have successfully exported our products to 47 countries and constructed 22 large-scale projects totaling more than 3000 cubic meters. Our aquaculture system is utilized for the production of shrimps and fish across 112 countries.