Aquaculture refers to fish productionaigned.species raised using this method. Intensive aquaculture One class of these technologies is referred to as "intensive aquaculture. Bio-floc method - fish are grown in a small area with all of the required nutrient supplements to enhance rapid growth.
Growing global demand for fish consumption is driving the expansion of intensive aquaculture. This method allows to farm fish in large scale needed by burgeoning world population.
Semi-intensive Aquaculture which uses advanced techniques of rearing fish at a higher speed. One methodology, for example "recirculating aquaculture," is about recycling the water which fish are in and cleansing it. A third method called feeding strategies that delivers specific quantities of feed to fish at precise intervals to enhance their productivity and health.
Three factors are key in an intensive aquaculture farm: the reproductive performance, growth rate and survival. For one, having spotless and sheltered water is essential to keep up wellbeing of the fish since grimy waters prompts a sickness domain that can bring about demise. Secondly, it is very important to provide the right kind and amount of food if you have different species because fish need a diverse diet. The fish, need also to ample room for swimming which impact their health due stress. Finally, continuous monitoring of the fish in combination with their aquatic world becomes absolutely essential to deliver perfect traits.
The intensive aquaculture does not only help to increase the fish production for human consumption but also has one of the biggest roles in environmental conservation. It uses less water and creates fewer waste than traditional fish farming, so it also helps to save natural waters and does not harm wild fish populations.
The benefits of intensive aquaculture are numerous. The system supports massive fish production to provide nutrition for a fast-growing world population, and at the same time conserves water and promotes environmental-friendliness. With mounting food needs, believes that intensive aquaculture is a potential solution. But something worthy of both fish and the water: responsible, careful practices that help take care of our aquatic buddies. The sunny prospect for a high-density aquaculture is that it may save directly starving billions of people world wide and meanwhile protect the environment against breakdown.
Vi har vært i akvakulturindustrien i over 15 år og er en av de tre beste selskapene i Kina. Vi har dannet strategiske partnerskap med en rekke anerkjente kinesiske universiteter. Vi har svært dyktige designteam for akvakultursystemer med høy tetthet, som kan gi deg de mest overlegne produktene og tjenestene.
Vi er eksperter på design og produksjon av PVC stålrør som støtter fiskedammer. PVC galvaniserte plater fiskedammer. Vi kan gi en rekke valg i akvakultursystemets utstyr.
ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, og etc. er våre sertifiseringer. Produktene våre er vellykket solgt til 47 land og regioner, i tillegg til at 22 storskala akvakulturanlegg med mer enn 3000 kubikkmeter er blitt bygget med suksess. Vårt akvakultursystem har blitt brukt til å lage reker og fisk i 112 forskjellige land.
Vi kan tilby deg detaljert akvakulturprogram som dekker ulike aspekter som design av ordningen, utstyrskonfigurasjoner budsjettering og planlegging for utstyrsinstallasjon. Det kan hjelpe deg med å fullføre gjennomføringen av hele akvakulturprosjektet ditt, noe vanlige bedrifter ikke kan tilby.