Ever thought about what kind of ocean the fish on your plate came from? It's pretty fascinating! Other fish are caught in the wild, or raised on special pools only designed for this type of product. Believe it or not, this is called aquaculture and it's been going on for thousands of years!
Aquaculture fish in theory are your farm pets. They are cultivated in tanks or ponds made especially for them. The fish are fed and tended to until they grow up big and healthy enough for sale in the markets or restaurants. Can You Imagine A Fish Being Cared For Like A Pet? Just like we take care of our pets, fish farmers are probably working tirelessly to ensure well-being and happiness for their underwater creatures.
The world population finds itself provided with more needs for food than ever. Here is where aquaculture steps in. With all their health benefits, fish are a great source of protein and often provide other nutrients that your body needs to function at its best. In fact, many experts believe that aquaculture will be even more crucial for our growing population in the coming years.
Scientists are working on new methods to make fish farming even more environmentally friendly. For example, this could mean using solar or wind energy to power fish farms. They are also looking into how else to use the left-over parts of fish in a way that will not overly pollute our environment as well.
However, before these delicious fish end up on our plates out is quite the journey! From minute fish eggs hatch little new borns. These fry are then transferred to bigger tanks where they grow and develop at their own pace.
As the fish grow and mature, they are then moved into larger tanks or ponds. The key for fish farmers is to keep water as clean and the food supply of their livestock intact. They also carefully monitor the health of fish and ensure that they are not sick.
Aquaculture fish are harvested after several months or even years. Once clean, they get packed and shipped to markets and eateries around the world. That is qyuite a travel for these fish!
Vi har vært i akvakulturindustrien i 15 år og er en av de 3 beste selskapene i Kina. Vi har dannet strategiske partnerskap med mange anerkjente kinesiske universiteter. Vi har også svært dyktige akvakulturdesignteam med tetthet, som vil gi deg produkter og tjenester av beste kvalitet.
Vi er spesialister på produksjon av PVC stålrør som støtter fiskedammer. PVC galvaniserte plater fiskedammer. Akvakultursystemer kan utstyres med en rekke alternativer.
Vi kan tilby deg omfattende akvakulturplaner som dekker mange aspekter som utformingen av ordningen, konfigurasjoner for utstyrsbudsjettplanlegging, utstyrsinstallasjon. Det kan bedre hjelpe deg i gjennomføringen av hele havbrukssatsingen, noe vanlige bedrifter ikke kan yte.
Vi har sertifikater som ISO9001, ISO22000 og COA. Vi har med suksess solgt produktene våre til 47 land og utviklet 22 storskala, høyvolumsprosjekter med mer enn 3000 kubikkmeter. Vårt akvakultursystem har produsert fisk og reker i 112 land og regioner.