Now, aquaponics is a unique technique of farming that combines two significant properties: fish cultivation and plant pointedly grown with water but no soil. Combining these, we get the term aquaponics (Raising fish is called aquaculture and Doing something with plants is hydroponics). And it is a fun way to grow veggies and fish in close quarters like your backyard or even on an apartment balcony.
One of the best aspects of aquaponics is its ability to grow fresh vegetables alongside fish for your children. Instead of having to go out and buy food, you can simply garden right there in your backyard! Just think in the summer, or all year round for that matter the opportunity to take fresh tomatoes and lettuce from your garden whenever you wanted.
Growing your food all year round – With aquaponics, you can grow freshwater fish and vegetables plants together in an integrated system No matter if it´s summer or winter. You may use your aquaponic system to grown fresh food no matter if it is sunny or snowing. And, it requires far less energy and water than conventional farming too, so great for the planet.
For the launch you will require some key elements, a fish tank (where your fishes live), grow bed for plants and a pump to facilitate water movements around. A pump moves water from the fish tank down a pipe, into another view of the inside tube feeding directly to one or two grow beds where plants are cultivated.
The following will be packing in some fish when you have all your equipment set up. Importantly, again remember that nutrients are passed to your plants coming from the fish. Their waste is eaten by good bacteria in the water, which turn it into nitrate. Nitrate is a type of plant fertilizer that increases the vigor, helping the plants to establish strongly.
Lastly, You can start to plant rich vegetation in the grow bed. The plants will absorb the nutrients from the water, removing nitrogen and other substances as desirable byproducts for fish. The result is a nice equilibrium between the fish and plants that allows each to grow healthy. Love it as a great way for you to work together!
Aquaponics is a fun, hands on way to educate your children about farming while respecting the Earth. It teaches children about the natural cycles of life, how plants and fish work together to create a symbiotic relationship (a fancy way of saying healthy ecosystem), and allows them to experience first-hand what it means to be part of our greater world. An excellent approach to educating the future generation about environmental concerns!
Wij zijn experts in het ontwerpen en vervaardigen van PVC-stalen buizen die visvijvers ondersteunen. PVC-gegalvaniseerde platen visvijvers. Wij kunnen verschillende opties bieden in de ontwerpen en apparatuur die worden gebruikt in aquacultuursystemen.
Wij kunnen u een gedetailleerd aquacultuurprogramma geven dat verschillende aspecten omvat, zoals het ontwerp van het schema, de budgettering van apparatuurconfiguraties en de planning voor de installatie van apparatuur. Dit kan u helpen uw aquacultuurproject te voltooien. Gewone ondernemingen kunnen dit niet verwezenlijken.
Wij beschikken over certificaten zoals ISO9001, ISO22000 en COA. We hebben onze producten aan 47 landen aangeboden en 22 grootschalige projecten met grote volumes met meer dan 3000 kubieke meter ontwikkeld. Ons aquacultuursysteem heeft garnalen en vis geproduceerd in 112 landen en regio's.
We zijn al meer dan 15 jaar actief in de aquacultuursector en behoren tot de top drie van ondernemingen in China. We hebben strategische partnerschappen gevormd met verschillende beroemde Chinese universiteiten. Wij zijn ook een hoogwaardig, zeer efficiënt ontwerpteam voor de aquacultuur, dat u diensten en producten van de hoogste kwaliteit biedt.