
सम्पर्कमा रहनुहोस्

स्मार्ट एक्वाकल्चर

Hello kids! Do you like eating fish? Fish is on a daily food for many of us. But did you know that most of the fish we eat is, well, farmed? Fish farmers grow fish the way you and I see vegetables and consumer goods on store shelves, except that in this case it is done by pouring water into some special place where only a certain type of very expensive grass grows.... But fish farming can also be harmful to our environment. So how about we learn today on the Smarts and Skills of Fish Farming- a fresh, new groovy way to grow fish which helps save our planet AND keeps those fishes happy!

Modern fish farm technology is a PR approach to growing fish using smart solutions on almost all aspects of traditional aquaculture. Smart fish farming allows farmers to check out the temperature of the water, maintain cleanliness in terms of how 'clean' is clean as well. This is essential, and particularly important for fish in a stressful environment when they need to grow faster as well. Both those who raise the fish and we that eat them will consider this welcome news, So they mean more tasty meal!

    Using Advanced Technology to Improve Aquaculture Sustainability and Profitability

    Sustainability is when we distribute our resources such that it does not destroy the earth or use all of them up too fast. Protect our environment from fish farming with brains, by using smartest way of fish-farming. It is good for cutting down on waste, less trash in our rivers and oceans. Sustainable aquaculture is also resource-efficient, using water and electricity more efficiently as well precious fish feed. Farmers save money, which is great for them because they use less of these pesticidal and directly deleterious to the plant things. This means that with fish farming, not only can the environment be better off (than it would be if we cut out all aquatic animals from our diet) but also these very same farmers and their families have more of an opportunity to earn a living.

    Why choose wolize smart aquaculture?

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