Aquaculture farming fish. Essentially a fish farm that grows crops, except instead of feeding people with vegetables you are doing so using fish! Instead, when classifying aquaculture as land-based we refer to fish growing in pools of freshwater or tanks using artificial methods. This is crucial because the fish in our oceans are being overfished. All this means is that too many fish are being caught, and there are not enough left to fulfill the increasing demand for seafood. Land-based aquaculture will enable us to continue its consumption without damage on the sea.
A new and improved method farm fish, land-based aquaculture In the past, people were dependent on the ocean to dig up fish but then came our Fish Farmers-Fish once again are now cultivated in special tanks that can be laid down any place on land. This is a goodthing because it allows the farmers better control over how the fish are produced. Younger people can foster those fish, ensuring that they are well and happy as they mature.
This water is cleaned and reused in the land-based farms. This is filtration and recirculation. That is because they require less water than the energy intensive fishing methods. It is a good thing to use less water as it is great for the environment. They serve for the less contamination of sea and it also diminishes wasting water. We can help to do this without destroying the planet in order to get food for people.
Land-based fish farms grow its own fish, reducing the possibility of poor practices. They can check that the fish are well fed and swimming in clean water. The level of care these companies take leads to healthier fish, good for the farmers and world alike. Healthy fish is good for all of us in the lands.
Good fish is needed not just for food sovereignty but also as a steady supply of healthy live stock. ~ Palm Creek Fishery Food security is when all people at any time have physical, social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for active healthy living. And we also solve the problem of not having enough fish to feed all those hungry people year after year on into eternity by bringing our nutritious fish farming onto dry land. This need will only become greater as the world's population increases and requires more food.
Fish farmers in land-based farms benefit from renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind to run their tanks. This is good news because it means they are not powered by fossil fuels that turn into gasses, and waste our earth. Not only this, farmers can also grow their fish in a natural and organic way. This makes it possible for them not to use the harsh chemicals or pesticides which can be hazardous to the environment.
Yet, land-based aquaculture is an infant industry. It is not perfect and there are still things we need to learn how you can make it better, more profitable. However, we are learning and developing our technology so that it can one day become a viable method to grow fish in an economically beneficial way for the fishermen as well as us.
Siamo esperti nella progettazione e produzione di tubi in PVC e acciaio che supportano stagni per pesci. Lastre zincate in PVC per stagni per pesci. Possiamo fornire una varietà di opzioni nei design e nelle attrezzature utilizzate nei sistemi di acquacoltura.
Le nostre certificazioni sono ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, ecc. I nostri prodotti sono stati venduti con successo in 47 paesi e regioni, e sono stati costruiti con successo 22 impianti di acquacoltura su larga scala con più di 3000 metri cubi. Il nostro sistema di acquacoltura è stato utilizzato per creare gamberetti e pesci in 112 paesi diversi.
Operiamo nel settore dell'acquacoltura da oltre 15 anni e siamo una delle 3 principali aziende in Cina. Abbiamo sviluppato alleanze strategiche con varie rinomate università cinesi e anche con team di progettazione di acquacoltura di alta qualità ed estremamente efficienti, che vi forniranno prodotti e servizi della migliore qualità.
Forniamo un programma di acquacoltura dettagliato, che comprende una varietà di aspetti, come la progettazione dello schema, la configurazione delle attrezzature, la pianificazione del budget, l'installazione delle attrezzature e la guida alla tecnologia dell'acquacoltura. Questo può aiutarti a completare la tua impresa di acquacoltura. Le imprese che non sono in grado di farlo.