Ever wonder where your food is really coming from? But have you ever wondered how it is grown and the implications on our environment. Understand that there is a new way to grow food, one that heals the Earth and uses nature's power to produce what many humans love— fresh fruits, vegetables Thy day. The unique practise is termed commercial aquaponics!
Aquaponics is an innovative way to integrate fish and plant farming. The fish provide essential nutrition for the plants, and likewise the plants in turn will filter out waste from water that can poison or harm fish. This is accomplished by using the nutrients in fish waste which provides fertile water for each unique plant. Meanwhile, the fish decompose biomass to fertilize plants. Its kind of like a big cycle that makes everything happy and healthy!
Aquaponics is a form of agriculture, which marries animal husbandry - rearing fish and similar aquatic animals - with hydroponic cultivation. One great thing about aquaponics is the fact that it consumes barely any water in comparison with conventional farming techniques. This is because the water inthewell is recycled and reused. This is not only beneficial in conserving water but also reducing waste, which our planet will thank you for!
Aquaponic is also another advantageous method as it does not use any dangerous chemicals or pesticides. This can be harmful to the plants as well as fish, and even us humans when we consume the food. It also means that the food grown through aquaponics is more healthy and safe as well. Further, the aquaponics system can conveniently be installed in both indoors and outdoors which means that it is adaptable to all types of farmers thereby causing a balance.
Aquaponics is a new and exciting technology that we are using to grow food. This is essentially a closed-loop system, the fish waste acts as nutrients for plants and in turn the plant clean water for your fishes. The only requirements to make this system work are fish food and seeds or seedlings for the plants. This results in linear and efficient production of food.
Aquaponics have the possibility to produce a wide variety of crops; from leafy greens and salad vegetables, through herbs to flowers. It is also ideal for fish production, which provides protein of vital importance to millions around the world. One of the benefits to aquaponics is that these systems can be developed in urban settings, providing people who live in areas where fresh produce might otherwise not reach (often called food deserts) access they didn't have before.
This is a combination of fish farming (aquaculture), and growing plants without soil methods(hydroponics) that makes aquaponics an innovative way to grow food. Aquaculture is the farming of fish and hydroponics is growing plants in water, without soil. We can pair-up these two to pave the path of a sustainable food system which is energy-effective and eco-friendly.
Abbiamo certificati come ISO9001, ISO22000 e COA. Abbiamo venduto con successo i nostri prodotti in 47 paesi e sviluppato 22 progetti su larga scala e volumi elevati con oltre 3000 metri cubi. Il nostro sistema di acquacoltura ha prodotto pesce e gamberetti in 112 paesi e regioni.
Siamo specializzati nella produzione di tubi in acciaio in PVC per supportare stagni per pesci, stagni per pesci in lamiera zincata in PVC e articoli per l'acquacoltura. Sacche per acqua non potabile in PVC, TPU, sacche per acqua potabile in EVA, sacche per olio in TPU, sacche per liquidi usa e getta per contenitori in PE. Abbiamo una gamma di scelte per le attrezzature del sistema di acquacoltura.
Abbiamo oltre 15 anni di esperienza produttiva nel settore dell'acquacoltura e siamo una delle tre principali imprese nel settore dell'acquacoltura cinese. Abbiamo partnership strategiche con varie rinomate università cinesi e un team decisamente qualificato di progettisti di sistemi ad alta densità e ingegneri in grado di fornire prodotti e servizi della migliore qualità.
Offriamo un programma completo di acquacoltura, che comprende vari elementi come progettazione del layout, configurazione delle attrezzature, budget, installazione delle attrezzature e assistenza tecnologica per l'acquacoltura. Può aiutarti a completare l'implementazione dell'intero progetto di acquacoltura, cosa che le normali aziende non possono fornire.