Shrimp farming is not easy. Doing it well requires lots of skill and know-how. Shrimps need to grow well so that they can be placed in warm water, tanks must also remain clean and the shrimp should have enough food. The conditions that these shrimp are put in need to be monitored very closely, because this is how farmers know the shrimp grow properly and get enough nutrients. They do have to ensure the water is clean and warm enough for their small shrimp inhabitants.
The growers are responsible, as well, for feeding the shrimp. That includes how much food the shrimp should eat and when to feed them. Here they describe how if shrimp are not fed properly, this may cause stunted growth. However, it can also be harmful if they are given too much food. This is why the cultivation of shrimps needs thorough attention to details and careful handling.
This enterprise based out on shrimp farming has a whole lot of positives going for it. Another great reason is for an endless source of fresh shrimp. Sometimes its hard to find wild shrimp because of overfishing or changes in the environment. However, shrimp farming now allots power to farmers; they get to decide how much is too little. Which means we can have shrimp all year long and that mother nature cannot tamper with it.
Shrimp farming also contributes to the wellbeing of local communities. This results in creating employment for the people who work on the farms, as well as giving people within that local area new opportunities to make a living and provide for their families. Which is crucial in towns where jobs may be limited. And shrimp farming is more sustainable. It saves the wild shrimp population as well from all of the issues that come with ocean fishing.
Apart from that they need to learn when and how much the shrimp should be fed. If they over or underfeed, their growth and health will be detrimentally affected. Diseases and ringworms can also be added to the shrimps from external sources needing farmers take care of this. Smart people need to think about how they keep those shrimps safe and well! Techniques include fish medications or renewing your water when needed.
The shrimp farming is increasing day by distance corner of the world. Large numbers of farmed shrimp are produced in countries such as China, Ecuador and Vietnam. Shrimp farming is also on the rise in the United States of America, particularly in states like Texas and Louisiana. It is because individuals are beginning to understand the flavors of shrimp and need it in their weight loss programs.
Another benefit is that more people prefer shrimp farming as it adds to environment enhancement. And although farmed shrimp may sound wasteful (it takes close to 40 pounds of fish or fish feed to produce one pound of wild shrimp), it is actuallybetter for natural shrimps and their homes than in fishing the ocean. Culturing shrimp on farms gives a break to the wild shrimp and helps them recover from overharvest. In addition, as more and more desire for seafood is changing (especially that of shrimp), this type of business not only provides what are sought after by many but also can drive our economy.
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Le nostre certificazioni sono ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, ecc. I nostri prodotti sono stati venduti con successo in 47 paesi e regioni, e sono stati costruiti con successo 22 impianti di acquacoltura su larga scala con più di 3000 metri cubi. Il nostro sistema di acquacoltura è stato utilizzato per creare gamberetti e pesci in 112 paesi diversi.
Operiamo nel settore dell'acquacoltura da 15 anni e siamo una delle 3 principali aziende in Cina. Abbiamo stretto partnership strategiche con molte rinomate università cinesi. Disponiamo inoltre di un team di progettazione dell'acquacoltura molto qualificato e ad alta densità, che vi fornirà prodotti e servizi della migliore qualità.
Siamo specializzati nella produzione di tubi in acciaio in PVC per supportare stagni per pesci, stagni per pesci in lamiera zincata in PVC e articoli per l'acquacoltura. Sacche per acqua non potabile in PVC, TPU, sacche per acqua potabile in EVA, sacche per olio in TPU, sacche per liquidi usa e getta per contenitori in PE. Abbiamo una gamma di scelte per le attrezzature del sistema di acquacoltura.