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prawn aquaculture

Shrimp are tiny yummy water creatures. Prawns are relished by many as it is tasty and can be made in various dishes. But obtaining prawns out from the ocean can also create some big issues. Fishing too many prawns can also hurt the number of wild ones, while dirty water from pollution hurts the environment where these animals live. One way to do this is by prawn farming which involves raising a few waterdwelling insects in the heart of nature. It provides an excellent solution for procuring prawns that we can eat without affecting the ocean and its ecosystem, where they grow wild.

    Sustainable practices in prawn aquaculture

    If its done correctly prawn farming is great for the environment. Rather than implementing chemicals that are harmful to the water and prawns, maintaining clean water and natural feed for your prawn is considered an excellent farming practice. There are even farms where they use solar power (clean and renewable) that generates the necessary energy to avoid pollution. Furthermore, the prawns waste can also be converted to plant fertilizers. Farmers can grow food without additional chemicals, protecting the environment and improving crop health.

    Why choose wolize prawn aquaculture?

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