Fish farming isn't only for the ocean dwellers or those who live near lakes. Technology and science have enabled us to rear fish that are brought in from the wild up on dry land in tanks, ponds. This new way of fish farming is known as land based or inland finfish agriculture. If this is an interesting topic for you then keep reading!
It's a type of aquaculture that is done inland, which uses less water and does not harm nature. Most freshwater fish grow best in a water temperature around 20-30 degrees Celsius and farmers maintain ponds at this consistent range, where it is easier for the hardy carps to survive. They replenish fish and keep them healthy, preventing the depleting of wild fish. A proper abode for your fish to grow big, and get that strong!
Inland fish farm: farmers have to construct tanks or ponds where they can keep the fish. To start with, they have to select the type of fish for farming. Fish come in many forms, so they carefully consider the size of the tank and how clean water is needed and what temperature. The fish game where choosing a winning number is paramount to success.
One of the biggest advantages in inland fisheries is that farmers will be able to choose where their fish get to live. This will help them prevent issues such as overfishing, pollution and destruction of fish habitats. Fish establish an environment where it can survive and multiply, making sure that the food supply system is a solid one even if there are challenges in production.
A big part of that is using commercialized fish food from good sustainable sources. So the waste remaining after fish excretion can be used as fertilizer for plants to make them grow too. This means that farmers can also use recycled water in their tanks which is a good way to save money on your water bills and it better for our environment.
Since inland fish farming is better for the environment than traditional casting fishing. Fish farming on land also helps to save our oceans and lakes from over fishing, as well as preventing them from pollution. For me this is very important because in many places around the world, overfishing has become a problem. We go on land fish farming, because we should fillet the world pretty.
Inland fish farming is not only better for the environment, it could also provide opportunities to lift people out of hunger. Around the world, millions of people dont have enough food to eat each and every day. Protein is an essential part of the human diet, and by replacing meat or other more resource-intensive forms of protein with fish we can help alleviate malnutrition whilst providing food for families.
Við erum sérfræðingur í hönnun og framleiðslu á PVC stálrörum sem styðja fiskatjarnir. PVC galvaniseruðu plötur fiskatjarnir. Við getum gefið fjölbreytt úrval í búnaði fiskeldiskerfisins.
Við höfum verið í fiskeldisiðnaði í 15 ár og erum eitt af 3 efstu fyrirtækjum í Kína. Við höfum myndað stefnumótandi samstarf við marga þekkta kínverska háskóla. Við höfum einnig mjög hæft og þétt fiskeldishönnunarteymi, sem mun veita þér bestu gæðavöru og þjónustu.
Við getum gefið þér ítarlegt fiskeldisáætlun sem inniheldur ýmsa þætti, svo sem hönnun kerfis, búnaðarstillingar fjárhagsáætlunargerð og skipulagningu fyrir uppsetningu búnaðar. Þetta getur hjálpað þér að klára fiskeldisverkefnið þitt. Venjuleg fyrirtæki geta ekki gert þetta.
Við erum vottuð af ISO9001, ISO22000 og COA. Vörur okkar hafa verið seldar til 47 landa og svæða og 22 stórfelldar fiskeldisstöðvar með meira en 3000 rúmmetra svæði voru byggðar með góðum árangri. Fiskeldiskerfið okkar hefur verið notað til að rækta rækju og fisk í 112 löndum.