Smart farming makes use of electronic devices and digital technology to achieve each kind of small or big farm in a number ways. Such tools can be basic apps that farmers use for weather or planting charts. More advanced tools include the use of sensors to monitor soil moisture or perhaps even artificial intelligence to grow better crops. So, farmers will be able to farm more efficiently and with significantly less waste and even make money off it thanks to e-farming technology. They have this opportunity to feed their communities much more.
Sustainable farming means growing food in ways that do not harm the earth, as well as the Wolize's aquaponics gróðurhús. It sounds more so on taking care of the environment enabling to feed everyone. For the smallholder farmers, high tech solutions like E-farming technology have been shown to be helpful in selling better crops and methods such as crop rotation (growing different types of plants one after another) and Using cover cropping(plants that certain regions grow during off-seasons specifically for a purpose-like protecting soil) to help manage challenges. These practices are soil formations. They also decrease the requirement for substances and will protect against soil erosion, a symptom of land washed away.
E-farming assisted farmers to save water as well, which is mega important because it is a pretty increasingly rare commodity in many parts of the world. Farmers could water their fields just right with smart irrigation systems that will ensure they use only as much water as necessary. This allows them to save water and money. In addition to IoT, drones and satellite images are also nice tools foe farmers look through their fields for drought or lacks of nutrients. So by using technology, farmers are able to identify these problems quickly and tend the land before any issues arise.
The e-farming technology is an innovation that makes everything about farming way faster and smarter, just like the fiskeldi í atvinnuskyni manufactured by Wolize. This allow the farmers to plant their crops in a better way with tools like GPS/software for special farming techniques. They consume less fuel, in addition of saves money on seeds and fertilizers. Thus being beneficial not only to the farmers but also reducing pollution leading an eco friendly environment.
E-farming systems can perform a few activities without any manual control, same with Wolize's aquaponics sett upp. Robots can pick fruits or harvest vegetables, for example and that will help to keep workers safe from being hurt. This automation will use up time farmers would have to spend elsewhere, such as marketing their products and preparing for the years ahead. On the other hand, farmers can monitor their livestock health by using monitoring system. With this, they have all things needed in raising their animals and which is very important for the success of a farm as their fowls are well-tally and healthy.
E-farming can also benefit small farmers who might not have access to a lot of resources or money, just like the bolfiskeldisstöð built by Wolize. E-Farming technology for small scale farming system-e-Farming is a concept that involves the use of advanced and electronic technologies to help farmers grow more food with fewer inputs, making their operations profitable as well as sustainable. However, since this approach to bee keeping is so modular and scalable it ensures that even farmers with small plots of land can participate in the market.
This is simply all about farming and providing food for everyone, along with Wolize's product bolfiskeldisstöð. Farmers grow more food as well some of the highest, income ever using e-farming techniques. For instance, farmers are able to plant closer rows together thanks to special software and can yield more produce on the same amount of land trying to stack more toys in a toy box. Likewise, digital sensors aid farmers in identifying potential issues with plants early to prevent significant damage.
Við höfum verið í fiskeldisiðnaði í fimmtán ár og erum meðal þriggja efstu fyrirtækja í Kína. Við erum með stefnumótandi bandalög við ýmsa þekkta kínverska háskóla og höfum hæft teymi kerfishönnuða sem eru með mikla þéttleika og verkfræðinga sem geta veitt hágæða vörur og þjónustu.
Við sérhæfum okkur í hönnun og framleiðslu á PVC stálrörum fyrir fiskatjarnir. PVC galvaniseruðu plötur fiskatjörn. Við höfum úrval af valkostum í fiskeldisbúnaði.
Við bjóðum upp á alhliða fiskeldisáætlun sem samanstendur af ýmsum þáttum eins og skipulagshönnun, uppsetningu búnaðar, fjárhagsáætlunargerð, uppsetningu búnaðar og aðstoð við fiskeldistækni. Það getur hjálpað þér að klára framkvæmd á öllu fiskeldisverkefninu þínu, sem venjuleg fyrirtæki geta ekki veitt.
Við höfum vottorð eins og ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE osfrv. Vörur okkar hafa verið seldar með góðum árangri til 47 svæða og landa, auk þess sem 22 stórfelld fiskeldisbú með meira en 3000 rúmmetra hafa verið byggð með góðum árangri. Fiskeldiskerfið okkar er nýtt til að framleiða fisk og rækju í 112 mismunandi löndum.