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aquaponic lettuce

How many of you love eating fresh lettuce?! It’s crunchy and delicious! In case you did not know, it is possible to also grow lettuce at your home simply though a special method called aquaponics. Aquaponics is another type of system that combines the grow plants and the fish at one place. The plants are what filter the water and keep it clean for cycle, and this process is also known as aquaponics (where fish can help fertilize some plants via their waste). Picture a supportive partnership! Read on to know more about the entire process of lettuce growing using aquaponics hopefully you will catch all that are needed in this article.

So the truth is this - Aquaponics = Acquaculture + Hydroponics. Aquaculture - fish farming in a tankHydroponics - growing plants without soil Aquaponic system where fish are amazingly happy in their tank and their poop provides the nutrients in the water that is needed by plants to thrive, grow well. These wastes are converted by the bacteria living in the water into food for your plants. The fish poop creates food for the plants, but once they take what they need out of it, clean water goes back to feed the same fishes. The system works and it creates a wonderful cycle that just keeps going!

    The Benefits of Aquaponic Lettuce

    It is unlike regular gardening that needs to have soil but more specific the technique by how you will be growing lettuce and not just your usual way. The most surprising fact is when we talk about Aquaponics, plants do not need soil! They are not grown in soil, but rather rooted a growing medium or comprised using special pots which grow them for you by containing nutrient-rich water. In an aquaponic system the lettuce plants are put in a bed full of growing material like clay pebbles or gravel. Plant roots dangle through the water, and this filtered by passing fish.

    Planet Friendly: An interesting fact about aquaponics is that they use 80% less water, which means you can still have a garden while conserving. The water is constantly recycled, and the fish waste became a natural fertilizer for growth of plants.

    Why choose wolize aquaponic lettuce?

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