Fishing in lakes or rivers for catching fish the old primitive way, by fishing with a pole is how they used to go before. This was the chief way, with a scatter of fish for food. But then, aquaculture came along and changed everything. Aquaculture is the farming of fish in special tanks and containers, as opposed to catching them from their native environments. It is a method that allows many more of the population access to fish and seafood for everyone is able to enjoy such food themed menus.
Hugely popular with some, aquaculture is booming because many more people worldwide want to eat fish and seafood. By 2030, it is estimated that nearly two-thirds of fish and seafood used for human consumption will be sourced from aquaculture as opposed to rivers or oceans. Wild fish are also relying on the feed, and sources of wild-caught feedstocks have simply become a lot less bountiful. Both overfishing and changing circumstances in the environment have made it hard for us to get enough ocean fish from where they are most abundant. As a result, the importance of aquaculture to supplying fish and seafood for all of us is growing.
Fish farming so far looks like a promising way to get more fish out of our waters, and there are some cool things happening in that department. For instance, researchers are already trying to create fish that can survive in different water. This is in turn facilitates the rearing of fish at numerous zones/locations around the world, which includes both those regions where everyone loves sea food. Also, technologies are also being developed that allow farmers to raise fish more safely and at a lower cost. This might make fish farming more efficient and provide more people with tasty, nutritious flesh from the sea.
A child is born sick in fish farming Fish do get sick, just like people and when one fish becomes ill in the aquarium it can easily pass that illness along to all of its tank mates. There are therefore new medicines being developed by scientists that will keep fish healthy and stop the spread of diseases amongst them. They are also studying the search for an improved kind of a food-type, where fish could grow better all along. Its very important for the health of fish and funda of great success from this that you have to get a perfect ratio food or nutritions.
It is beneficial for the economy as well the environment; hence fish farming serves dual purpose. The second is to use fish farms that grow more of the fish they are farming so it can create a new job for people but also help farmers make more money. This expansion of the seafood sector can be beneficial for local communities and economies. Fish farming, moreover, relieves the pressure on wild fish stocks. Rearing fish in farms, we can stop hurting the environment or exhausting wild born fishes from rivers and oceans.
Við höfum vottorð eins og ISO9001, ISO22000 og COA. Við höfum flutt vörur okkar út til 47 landa með góðum árangri og smíðað 22 stór verkefni sem eru samtals meira en 3000 rúmmetrar. Fiskeldiskerfið okkar er nýtt til framleiðslu á rækju og fiski í 112 löndum.
Við höfum verið í fiskeldisiðnaði í 15 ár og erum eitt af 3 efstu fyrirtækjum í Kína. Við höfum myndað stefnumótandi samstarf við marga þekkta kínverska háskóla. Við höfum einnig mjög hæft og þétt fiskeldishönnunarteymi, sem mun veita þér bestu gæðavöru og þjónustu.
Við getum boðið þér ítarlegt fiskeldisáætlun sem tekur til ýmissa þátta eins og hönnun kerfisins, fjárhagsáætlunargerð fyrir búnaðarstillingar og skipulagningu fyrir uppsetningu búnaðar. Það getur hjálpað þér að klára útfærslu á öllu fiskeldisverkefninu þínu, sem eitthvað sem venjuleg fyrirtæki geta ekki veitt.
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