Have you ever eaten seafood? It tastes delicious and is good for you! Not only are they super tasty, but seafood is rich in nutrients-high-quality protein, vitamins that we need, minerals and some of the best dietary sources omega-3 fatty acids. Seafood is eaten by people from all different parts of the world and cultures, because fish tastes delicious but also provides a lot of health benefits. But this leads us to an important point: there's not enough seafood for all of humanity. That means that many do not access the healthy seafood to strengthen their health.
This is where scale aquaculture comes in to help! Aquaculture at scale refers to the commercial cultivation of fish, and other sea-life, similar in size and type to how one grows vegetables on a farm. And through large-scale aquaculture, we can contribute to making sure there's plenty of fish (and shrimp) in the sea. It also makes certain that the shellfish we are eating is clean and safe to our body.
As well as supporting local economies, scale aquaculture can also go a long way in ending hunger. Hunger is a significant problem that some of the underprivileged people in different regions of the world are facing where they have to get through without having food. This is why we should farm seafood: Because if everyone eats, there needs to be food for all. That translates into hunger for fewer people, and more families able to put wholesome food on their plates.
Aquaculture, done on a large scale Aquaponics are the methods in which technology is used to ensure that fish and other seafood remain healthy as they grow. Special machines and tools dragon over the tanks that allow for monitoring of temperature range as well a hydraulic to water quality. The good conditions are very important as they allow the seafood to grow best. The farmers also feed the seafood a special diet food to ensure they are getting all of their nutrients.
This is where large scale aquaculture can step in to lend a hand! Instead of netting wild fish, we can grow it on farms. reduces pressure in the natural ecosystems yet offers an alternative to meet market demands for seafood In addition, we can use technology to ensure that the water and habitat were clean where in which this seafood was raised. Why it matters: A well-kept environment means that the wild fish and other animals in this ecosystem are also healthy.
Seafood farming has an environmental impact and it also affects the people nearby. But we need to be aware in not harming the environment, for example through pollution or overuse of water. It is also important to take into account the welfare of those who live in and around farm factories. We ought to prevent them from being disrupted by the sound or traffic of those gawd-axed farms.
We can strike a balance between these imperatives - to grow seafood and to protect the ecosystem, given that we leverage technology in tandem with responsible working practices. This is what sustainable aquaculture does. This will enable us to keep our business growing and produce delicious seafood for you all, while enabling the environment as well as local communities to remain safe and happy.
U industriji akvakulture smo 15 godina i jedna smo od 3 najbolje tvrtke u Kini. Formirali smo strateška partnerstva s mnogim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima. Također imamo vrlo vješt i gust tim dizajnera akvakulture, koji će vam pružiti najkvalitetnije proizvode i usluge.
U mogućnosti smo vam pružiti opsežan plan akvakulture koji pokriva različite aspekte kao što su dizajn programa, konfiguracija opreme, planiranje proračuna, instalacija opreme. Pomoći će vam da dovršite provedbu cijelog projekta akvakulture. To je nešto što obična poduzeća ne mogu pružiti.
Mi smo najbolji i specijalizirani za proizvodnju PVC čeličnih cijevi za podupiranje ribnjaka. PVC pocinčane ploče za ribnjake. Sustavi za akvakulturu mogu se opremiti nizom opcija.
Imamo certifikat ISO9001, ISO22000 i COA. Isporučili smo svoje proizvode u 47 zemalja i izgradili 22 velika projekta velikog volumena s više od 3000 kubičnih metara. Naši sustavi akvakulture koriste se za proizvodnju škampa i ribe u 112 zemalja.