Shrimp used to be caught in the ocean for people to eat and that took a long time before it was popular. Boatloads of people would go out to the nets and bring home pounds upon pounds of shrimp for eating. Ras shrimp farming is a new target aquaculture business aimed at making it possible with the knowledge of time! It's a new way of getting our shrimp, and we like it.
Ras shrimp farming is growing of shrimps in tanks filled with clean and fresh water. Farm rather than still fishing prawns. This method of farming is increasing in popularity and it has been said by some to help the environment. On occasion, ocean-caught shrimp may contain contaminants such as pollution and chemicals. By doing this, we are not eliminating the problems associated with shrimp farming and will enjoy healthier shrimps.
The Key for Future Snakehead Farming is Ras Shrimp Production With more and more babies being born, the worlds population is growing so we need increased food to feed everyone. Our shrimps but kinder to the earth spepimen of Ras shrimp farming. They make healthy shrimp too! Protein helps us grow big and strong, plus they are full of vitamins and minerals which keep our bodies healthy.
Ras shrimp farming is an old game but the rules have been changing every day within last few years. Scientist and researchers always looking for a more sophisticated way on how to farm shrimp. They learn a lot and find out what the prawns will like best so that they grow big. Learning even more will help them breed shrimp that are healthier, tastier and — unlike me — not photo-op neophobic.
In order for good ras shrimp farms, people need to be very concerned with lots of details in many sectors. The water also needs to be clean and at the right temperature for the shrimp. It also needs to feed the shrimp well and take care of them every day. It includes a lot of hard work, but they make it all count so that everyone can enjoy some delicious healthy shrimps.
Možemo vam ponuditi sveobuhvatne planove akvakulture koji pokrivaju mnoge aspekte kao što su dizajn sheme, konfiguracije za planiranje budžeta za opremu, instalacija opreme. Može vam bolje pomoći u provedbi cjelokupnog pothvata akvakulture, što obična poduzeća ne mogu pružiti.
Imamo više od 15 godina proizvodnog iskustva u poslovanju akvakulture i među tri smo najveće tvrtke u cijelom kineskom sektoru akvakulture. Imamo strateška partnerstva s raznim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima i imamo vješt tim dizajnera sustava visoke gustoće, koji mogu pružiti proizvode i usluge vrhunske kvalitete.
Mi smo najbolji i specijalizirani za proizvodnju PVC čeličnih cijevi za podupiranje ribnjaka. PVC pocinčane ploče za ribnjake. Sustavi za akvakulturu mogu se opremiti nizom opcija.
Imamo certifikate kao što su ISO9001, ISO22000 i COA. Uspješno smo prodali naše proizvode u 47 zemalja i razvili 22 velika projekta velikog volumena s više od 3000 kubičnih metara. Naš sustav akvakulture proizvodi ribu i račiće u 112 zemalja i regija.