Jk, but seriously Hapa fish culture!? It is a unique and fascinating method of fish farming which has been spreading worldwide in recent years. This method employs partitions of nylon mesh — known as Hapas and made with material strong enough to resist tearing by fish claws or teeth, keeping the fishes out in water. There are numerous benefits of hapa fish culture that accrue to both farmers and the environment. Read on for a closer look at these benefits!
This makes Hapa culture much more environmentally friendly grossly beneficial. Fish are usually raised in tanks that take up a lot of water when they used as fish farms. It is also necessary to clean this water very often in order for the fish to live, and doing so can damage nature which causes harm to their environment. However, in the case of Hapa fish culture or aquaculture system of pond management practice we let our fish live at their natural habitation such as rivers & lakes etc. This is the "open-water culture" which delivers far less pollution and interference with ecosystem balance.
On the other hand, hapa fish culture is better than traditional farming in many aspects. The mesh bags that the Hapa system is using will let water flow through much more freely and this plays a huge role for your fish. With this good water flow, fishes grow fast and they keep alive. And thanks to this low-emission, water-reuse system of production, farms are able to produce fish in a more compact and efficient manner than could ever be done during outdoor farming operations. Hapa systems are also less likely to result in disease outbreaks among the fish. This also reduces the need to use fewer medicines or chemicals by farmers as a way of keeping their fish reasonably healthy and safe making it both better for nature, environment and considering this subject; what we eat.
This has been applied very successfully to hapa fish farming in many parts of the developing world. One such example would be that Salmon fish farmers in Norway have begun using the Hapa systems to minimize their environmental decay due to their farms. Fish farmers in Thailand have learned to use Hapa systems for raising Pangasius, a type of catfish that is one of the exports produced there. Hapa systems are used not only in Norway and Thailand, but also places like Indonesia as well the United States — even Australia! It indicated that the culture of Hapa fish has become popular and accepted by farmers in different areas.
Therefore, are they farming Hapa fish? It is rather easy and elegant actually! The fish, which are confined in mesh bags that hang from floats and ropes to keep them submerged but still catch the sunlight. These bags are much like our ICELOCK systems, where water can flow in and out for the health of the fish, but predators or other hazards will not be able to access. The mesh bag can be in various sizes for different species of fishes to select by the farmers. When time for the fish to be caught, farmers would simply pull up the bags and then skillfully gather the stock of fishes. This approach is not so only easy but also a very clever way to produce abundant fish!
Mi smo najbolji i specijalizirani za proizvodnju PVC čeličnih cijevi za podupiranje ribnjaka. PVC pocinčane ploče za ribnjake. Sustavi za akvakulturu mogu se opremiti nizom opcija.
Imamo certifikate kao što su ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, itd. Naši proizvodi su uspješno prodani u 47 regija i zemalja, kao i 22 velike farme akvakulture s više od 3000 kubičnih metara su uspješno izgrađene. Naš sustav akvakulture koristi se za proizvodnju ribe i račića u 112 različitih zemalja.
Imamo više od 15 godina iskustva u proizvodnji u industriji akvakulture. Među tri smo najveće tvrtke u kineskoj industriji akvakulture. Imamo strateške saveze s brojnim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima i sigurno imamo kvalificirani tim inženjera sustava visoke gustoće i inženjera koji mogu pružiti proizvode i usluge najbolje kvalitete.
U mogućnosti smo vam ponuditi cjelovite programe akvakulture koji pokrivaju različite aspekte kao što su dizajn programa, oprema koja se definitivno konfigurira, planiranje proračuna i instalacija opreme. To će vam pomoći da završite svoj pothvat akvakulture. Tipična tvrtka koja to nije u stanju izvesti.