So excited to tell you about something new I am obsessed with developing, an aquaponics pond! It is a pond, of sorts that helps clean the earth and allow you to grow scrumptious fruits... This is a great way for our farmers to grow their food and take care of nature also, It´s interesting how this whole thing works!
So, what the heck is an aquaponics pond? Aquaponics is a unique type of pond in which fish and plants both live. The plants keeps the water clean and healthy for your fish, who in turn feed important nutrients to help grow the plants. Is like a big circle in life! Special trays or pots house the growing plants, while fish swim merrily in water below. As the fish swim and eat their food, they leave Feces behind. This waste is a good thing however, as it decomposes and provides valuable nutrients to the plants for healthy growth. After which these nutrients are uptaken by the plants from water, this helps in cleaning it so that you may let your fish swim again without worrying about any kind of problem.
Eco friendly: Aquaponics ponds are a wonderful product because it does not need any kind of unhealthy and balanced chemical or maybe some type connected with pesticide in order to help the particular plants develop. This helps to keep the soil alive and eliminates chemical run-off that poisons our waters. It is a very sustainable way of growing food for our planet!
Protects water: Conventional farming methods waste a lot of water, which can be problematic in dry areas. In aquaponics we have found ways to use as little green water with up to 90% less; That’s a big difference! An aquaponics pond recycles the water so nothing ever goes to waste. Fish and plants work together to keep the water as clean and healthy as possible.
Picking the right fish: Seafood ain't one size fits all Different Fishes Require Different Things Farmers typically select one fish or the other, depending on which is best suited to be paired with a specific plant that they are growing. It needs to be like this in order that each the fish and plant life can thrive with one another.
Fish food: Fish need to be fed a proper diet in order for them to create good waste products that the plants can utilize. Farmers have to confer whether they are feeding their fish with the right proportion on a daily basis. Should the fish end up being overfed or underfed it may not serve to benefit the plants as much.
The Second Test:- Testing the Water The pond water needs to be just right! It must be at the correct temperature and pH level for even both fish and plants to grow. After all, farmers are professionals and they certainly have special tools to test the water every once in a while just like we do titration tests for our swimming pool or aquarium at home.
Mi smo najbolji i specijalizirani za proizvodnju PVC čeličnih cijevi za podupiranje ribnjaka. PVC pocinčane ploče za ribnjake. Sustavi za akvakulturu mogu se opremiti nizom opcija.
Imamo više od 15 godina iskustva u proizvodnji u industriji akvakulture. Među tri smo najveće tvrtke u kineskoj industriji akvakulture. Imamo strateške saveze s brojnim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima i sigurno imamo kvalificirani tim inženjera sustava visoke gustoće i inženjera koji mogu pružiti proizvode i usluge najbolje kvalitete.
Možemo vam ponuditi cjelovite programe akvakulture koji pokrivaju mnoge aspekte kao što su dizajn programa, proračun konfiguracije opreme i instalacija opreme. To će vam pomoći da završite svoj pothvat akvakulture. Tipična tvrtka to nije u stanju postići.
Imamo certifikat ISO9001, ISO22000 i COA. Isporučili smo svoje proizvode u 47 zemalja i izgradili 22 velika projekta velikog volumena s više od 3000 kubičnih metara. Naši sustavi akvakulture koriste se za proizvodnju škampa i ribe u 112 zemalja.