Are you a fan of fresh vegetables from your garden and having trouble maintaining them at times? If you have, then do you know what an Aquaponics Kit is? This is a very cool and unique style of planting plants with fish in one system!
Aquaponics Kit: Farm The Smart And Environment-friendly Way It is an all-natural aquarium where Nature Sees To It That Your Plants And Fish Coexist In Perfect Harmony. Awesome because you could have fresh food year round without all that hard labor if only we combined the practice of aquaculture (which is fish farming) with hydroponics (which is growing plants in water). This process is not only fun but saves the environment too.
Plants and Fish, How They Can Help One Another — Medeiro Creek Aquaponic Farm (June 2019)
This is exactly what an Aquaponics Kit lets you do -Hit Two Birds With One Stone Enjoy Gardening and Fishing at the same time! The fish poo (waste), which is perfect for the plants… they just luuurve it. This waste is food for the plants and helps them to grow better. The plants then filter the water cleaning it for fish, who in turn have a home. The great relationship between the two is, it does not let any plant or fish spoil each other instead they are almost a family helping and letting grow everything positively.
Its a bit tricky and you may think that when your living in the city you will have no access for fresh veggies or even fish! The AquaPonics Kit is designed for those who garden in tiny areas like apartments or backyards. Regardless, if you have a small balcony and not much to spare or a larger backyard – this kit is sure to help all your gardener-woes even in the city!
The Aquaponics Kit is a low footprint system. The end products are kept at a smaller scale, allowing the user to cultivate plants as well as fish together within the same system. This way, you saves a great deal of space also consumes less resources. But also not having to have a bunch of land to grow your own food!
Imamo više od 15 godina iskustva u proizvodnji akvakulture i jedno smo od tri najbolja poduzeća unutar kineskog sektora akvakulture. Imamo strateška partnerstva s raznim renomiranim kineskim sveučilištima i definitivno kvalificiran tim dizajnera sustava koji su visoke gustoće i inženjera koji mogu pružiti proizvode i usluge najbolje kvalitete.
Specijalizirani smo za proizvodnju PVC čeličnih cijevi za podupiranje ribnjaka od PVC pocinčane ploče za ribnjake, kao i stvari za akvakulturu PVC vrećica za nepitku vodu, TPU, EVA vrećica za pitku vodu, TPU vrećica za ulje, PE vrećica za jednokratnu tekućinu. Imamo niz izbora za opremu sustava akvakulture.
Imamo certifikat ISO9001, ISO22000 i COA. Naši proizvodi uspješno su prodani u 47 zemalja i regija, a uspješno su izgrađena 22 velika akvakulturna objekta s površinom većom od 3000 kubičnih metara. Naš sustav akvakulture korišten je za uzgoj škampa i ribe u 112 zemalja.
Nudimo sveobuhvatan program akvakulture koji uključuje različite elemente kao što su dizajn izgleda, konfiguracija opreme, proračun, instalacija opreme i tehnološka pomoć u akvakulturi. Može vam pomoći da dovršite implementaciju cijelog projekta akvakulture, što obične tvrtke ne mogu pružiti.