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चिपचिपा मछली अंडे ऊष्मायन बिस्तर

For example, ever wonder how fish eggs develop into baby fish These baby fish are known as fry. The eggs of fish are delicate and can break easily. As such, they require an extremely special place–or environment—to hatch correctly. And this is why the fish breaders, who are people raising fishe, use a procedure known as egg incubation. They make sure the fish eggs grow healthy and strong into baby fish.

The water in which they reside has to be उत्तम for fish eggs hatchery. In other words, the water has to be of a certain temperature (how warm or cold it is) and there must also have an adequate amount of oxygen in that same body of water. For the fish eggs, oxygen is essential because it enables them to breathe. The Sultan Fish hatchery does a temperature check on the water and houses enough oxygen for the eggs via special instruments. Fish eggs might not hatch at all if the water is not just right, and that would be very sad.

    Maximizing success rates with a sticky incubation bed

    Therefore, fish breeders created a new idea which is named as Sticky Incubation Bed. It helps fish eggs to hatch well and protect them safely. Therefore, whats a sticky incubation bed. Its a special surface where fish eggs can attach and then hatch.

    That goes on top of the sticky bed and is a material fish eggs can stick onto without being damaged. This is where the eggs become fixed, helping them to safely hatch. Once the fish eggs hatch, it fishes easily swim away from the sticky substrate. This is very important because it prevents the baby fish from getting stuck in your water when they try to start life.

    Why choose wolize Sticky fish egg incubation bed?

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