Almost half of the fish we eat is farmed. Fish farming, also known as Aquaculture is critical in order to provide seafood for our lunches or dinners. It provides us with delicious fish and other seafood like shrimp, oysters etc. Unfortunately, traditional fish farming has not always been environmentally friendly. The truth is: some of those old methods can be harmful to the oceans - and all species that inhabit them. It is here alternating current (AC) regenerative aquaculture shines to the rescue.
Regenerative aquaculture is a fresh approach to fish farming that benefits the environment, rather than further contaminating it. Through this, Regenerative fish farms do not have to use a lot of the chemicals and medicines that can poison ocean life because it uses natural processes to ensure everything in balance is. This allows the farms to work with nature, not against it.
They do this in part by using seaweed and the like. Most of us are familiar with seaweed on the beach but don't realize that they clean out our water by absorbing excess nutrients and carbon which is dangerous. This helps to improve the water that fish live in so it make a better environment for them. This allows fewer chemicals to be used by farmers, a win for both the fish and the ocean.
Which in-turn for us as the consumers means better seafood that is healthier and good on our environment. It is what keeps us healthy and the oceans clean so they can continue to provide for our sake. To fish farmers, this equates to profit without infringing the predilection of their intended customers. We find that people are more willing to pay for sustainable seafood when they know it is well managed and good for the planet.
Regenerative aquaculture can be a part of that and help alter the seafood industry so it is less likely to collapse because everyone has enough food to eat. As the population increases and with more mouths to feed, consumption needs of this type of fulfillment is environmental destructive fishing techniques. We must consider how we can ensure that food is available today, but also tomorrow.
We need to be able to acquiesce with the demands of our growing population while still preserving and conserving what we have left in our oceans. Now we are able to produce seafood that can be eaten by many future generations, thanks in part to the use of smart and sustainable practices. This is how we find that balance between what we need and the well being of our planet.
This involves reducing the number of harsh chemicals present in fish farms, using natural filtration systems and developing a wider mix of sea creatures that can be co-cultured with other species. Creating a workable ecosystem by farmers working with nature instead of against it is much more sustainable and beneficial. Which means that for the consumer and industry, regenerative aquaculture conveniently provides a bountiful solution - one which we all now know is also healthy for our oceans.
Olemme erikoistuneet kalalammikoiden PVC-teräsputkitukien suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. PVC galvanoidut levyt kalalampi. Meillä on valinnanvaraa vesiviljelyvälineissä.
Voimme antaa sinulle yksityiskohtaisen vesiviljelyohjelman, joka sisältää erilaisia näkökohtia, kuten suunnitelman suunnittelun, laitekokoonpanojen budjetoinnin ja laitteiden asennuksen suunnittelun. Tämä voi auttaa sinua saattamaan päätökseen vesiviljelyyrityksesi. Tavalliset yritykset eivät pysty tähän.
Meillä on ISO9001-, ISO22000-, COA-, CE- jne. sertifikaatit. Tuotteitamme on myyty onnistuneesti 47 alueelle ja maahan ja 22 laajamittaista vesiviljelylaitosta, joissa on yli 3000 kuutiometriä, on rakennettu onnistuneesti. Vesiviljelyjärjestelmämme tuotti kaloja ja katkarapuja 112 maassa ja alueella.
Olemme toimineet vesiviljelyalalla yli 15 vuotta, ja olemme Kiinan kolmen parhaan yrityksen joukossa. Olemme solmineet strategisia kumppanuuksia useiden kuuluisien kiinalaisten yliopistojen kanssa. Olemme myös laadukas, erittäin tehokas vesiviljelysuunnittelutiimi, joka tarjoaa sinulle laadukkaimmat palvelut ja tuotteet.