So, do you know what an aquaponic system? This garden in the picture does not use soil at all! Essentially the growing of plants without soil and using fish as an input to help then grow well. More importantly, aquaponics systems are a lot of fun and an amazing way to cultivate your own produce no matter where you live.
Aquaponics system in which fish swim merrily about their tank of water. Fish waste water is circulated through your grow bed where you are growing your plants. The plants feed off the nutrients contained in fish efflueint effectively purifying the water. And it's important for a healthy functioning system to keep this cycling process going! Clean water is then returned to the fish tank for consumption, and the process starts again. This means that the fish and plants grow together!
But creating an aquaponics system is also a way to make use of at home with your family. A fun way to bond and learn something at the same time! Gather SuppliesStep One You will need a tank of fish, and then on top a bed to grow plants in together with some tubing connecting them. That being said you would also want something that is simple enough for it as well like this product here.
Second, you must determine the location your aquaponic system in. Most plants do well in a location that is brightly lit but out of direct sunlight, which can be too harsh. It also has to have modules for easy water access and electricity -- the system just stops working well if you do not take good care of it all.
Finally — the fun part: assembling your very own aquaponic system! Locate tanks and beds appropriately. Next apply the tubing to those ports and prepare your pump box. After everything has been connected, add water to the system and run it for a few days. To ensure everything is working as expected, essentially. This way you are able to deal with any issues before the fish and plants go in.
Aquaponic systems are beneficial if you have the right parts and pieces. Each individual element serves a significant purpose to successfully yield an adequate return of crops with your fish remaining healthy, as well. First, you need fish! Most people will have tilapia or goldfish in their systems as they are very common and easy to keep alive. You will need a grow bed for your plants to eventually grow. Now we must have special thing inside the grow bed for growing of plant like perlite, gravel or clay balls etc. This helps the plants to stand up just like in natural growth.
When the PH levels are off (too high or too low) you can add baking soda, vinegar to your watering sources and bring up to correct proportions. You should change some of the water or add more beneficial bacteria if ammonia or nitrate levels are too high. Keep the Water Quality in Check Keeping an eye on your water quality is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem for y our fish and plants.
Pystymme tarjoamaan sinulle kattavat vesiviljelysuunnitelmat, jotka kattavat monia näkökohtia, mukaan lukien suunnitelman suunnittelun, laitebudjetin suunnittelun kokoonpanot, laitteiden asennuksen. Näin voit saattaa vesiviljelyprojektisi päätökseen. Tavalliset yritykset eivät pysty tähän.
Meillä on ISO9001-, ISO22000- ja COA-sertifikaatit. Olemme toimittaneet tuotteitamme 47 maahan ja rakentaneet 22 suurta, volyymiprojektia yli 3000 kuutiometrillä. Vesiviljelyjärjestelmiämme käytetään katkarapujen ja kalan tuotantoon 112 maassa.
Olemme toimineet vesiviljelyalalla yli 15 vuotta, ja olemme Kiinan kolmen parhaan yrityksen joukossa. Olemme solmineet strategisia kumppanuuksia useiden kuuluisien kiinalaisten yliopistojen kanssa. Olemme myös laadukas, erittäin tehokas vesiviljelysuunnittelutiimi, joka tarjoaa sinulle laadukkaimmat palvelut ja tuotteet.
Olemme erikoistuneet PVC-teräsputkien tuotantoon, jotka tukevat kalalammikoita PVC-sinkittyjen kalalammikoiden sekä vesiviljelytuotteiden PVC-juomavesipussit, TPU-, EVA-juomavesipussit, TPU-öljypussit, PE-säiliön kertakäyttöiset nestepussit. Meillä on valikoima vesiviljelyjärjestelmän varusteita.