Fish farms are unique sites where fish of all kinds are bred, get to grow up and then later be consumed by people. They are essentially a giant garden; but instead of vegetables or flowers, they grow fish! FishThere are a number different fish that can be grown in aquaculture. Tilapia/ Catfish and Trout are some of the most common examples. All it has its own taste and also can be used in many tasty dishes.
Aquaculture enables people to farm freshwater fish and produce the considerable amounts of food that they need. But how exactly does it work? Farmers are feeding the fry, which is fish for babies. They are placed in large water tanks where they can swim, eat and grow into mature fish. It is up to farmers to keep the water, fish live in clean and healthy so they all are sprightly. They are wary of the temperature and water quality. When the fish get a bit larger and more developed they are moved to bigger tanks that offers room for swimming around.
Fish is good for you to eat. Fish is a healthy food that delivers loads of vital vitamins and minerals which you need to keep your best foot forward. Furthermore, farmed fish is more beneficial than wild-caught fish as it has no pollutants or chemicals. In addition, farm-raised fish is often much fresher. This is also more sustainable as the farmers can know how many fish they produce and catch so no overfishing (even though I don't see this being much of an issue). This ensures that rivers and oceans are not overfished. You, my friend are being good to yourself AND the planet when you opt for farm-raised fish.
Now we are all encouraged to eat more fish, because people know that this is the healthy choice. Nonetheless, shall we stipulate that wild fish in rivers and oceans may be overfished. That causes overfishing, which leaves few fish for the rest of us. This is how fish farms help! This supports stable stocks of fish to meet the demands of supermarkets and restaurants. In Bioaqua in Macau or Giraffe ranching facilities, these farms are typically indoors wave fields close to the city. This allows the product to get delivered fresh straight from fisherman to some enjoying person who wants your delight in his or her plate!!
Since people are eating more fish it means even MORE FISH need to be produced! It only harness water from freshwater fish farms. Later these farms got better at keeping their fish alive and content in the swimming pools. Livestock management, contraception and both male or female fish babies-rearing everything comes under this title.When we see the positive part of it- Farmers have been acquainted with ways to tackle the pisciculture. The technology has also brought a significant change. It has helped fish farms increase their yield and therefore put more fish to the table.
If not, there is no problem here as fishing too many fish in the wild can begin to be harmful for the environment. If too many fish are removed from rivers or the oceans, other animals that eat those fish can be in trouble. Here is where fish farms come in handy! This makes it so they have fish without ever catching them in their native environments. This is significant because it helps maintain an ecological equilibrium. Another benefit of fish farmsIt decreases bycatch, the incidental capture non-target species during fishing for commercial purposes. Freshwater fish farming also means healthier, more sustainable ecosystems by raising fish in a controlled environment.
Διαθέτουμε πιστοποιητικά όπως ISO9001, ISO22000 και COA. Εξάγαμε με επιτυχία τα προϊόντα μας σε 47 χώρες και κατασκευάσαμε 22 έργα μεγάλης κλίμακας συνολικού ύψους άνω των 3000 κυβικών μέτρων. Το σύστημα υδατοκαλλιέργειας μας χρησιμοποιείται για την παραγωγή γαρίδων και ψαριών σε 112 χώρες.
Έχουμε περισσότερα από 15 χρόνια εμπειρίας στην παραγωγή στον κλάδο της υδατοκαλλιέργειας. Είμαστε μεταξύ των τριών κορυφαίων εταιρειών στην κινεζική βιομηχανία υδατοκαλλιέργειας. Έχουμε στρατηγικές συμμαχίες με πολλά διάσημα Κινεζικά Πανεπιστήμια και έχουμε σίγουρα εξειδικευμένη ομάδα μηχανικών συστημάτων υψηλής πυκνότητας και μηχανικούς που είναι σε θέση να παρέχουν προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες καλύτερης ποιότητας.
Μπορούμε να σας προσφέρουμε λεπτομερές πρόγραμμα υδατοκαλλιέργειας που περιλαμβάνει διάφορες πτυχές, όπως ο σχεδιασμός του σχήματος, ο προϋπολογισμός διαμορφώσεων εξοπλισμού και ο σχεδιασμός για την εγκατάσταση εξοπλισμού. Αυτό μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να ολοκληρώσετε το εγχείρημά σας για την υδατοκαλλιέργεια. Οι απλές επιχειρήσεις δεν μπορούν να το επιτύχουν αυτό.
Είμαστε ειδικοί στην παραγωγή χαλύβδινων σωλήνων από PVC για την υποστήριξη λιμνών ψαριών από γαλβανισμένες πλάκες PVC λιμνών ψαριών καθώς και ειδών υδατοκαλλιέργειας Τσάντες από PVC μη πόσιμου νερού, TPU, EVA σακούλες πόσιμου νερού, σακούλες λαδιού TPU, σακούλες υγρών μιας χρήσης PE δοχείων. Έχουμε γκάμα επιλογών για τον εξοπλισμό του συστήματος υδατοκαλλιέργειας.