Did you ever think about where the fish in that store come from? Hurra, fish from the sea and those reared at a fish farm. Fish farming is how humans raise fish for everyone else to eat. One type that is gaining favor other than fish farming called semi intensive culture. This is significant in terms of supporting demand for fish, sustainably.
Semi-intensive fish farming - Some of the categories in this type are as follows: Limited semi-intensive -Large tanks or ponds to keep captive-bred species-focused. They develop tanks and ponds that provide the fish a stress-free place to live. They regulate plants, fish space to swim and water quality parameters. Helps preserve these conditions, so that fish grow more and faster. This allows them to grow larger and healthier. When the fish grow quickly, it means there is more of that type of fish for people to eat - and when they do not have enough food, many peoples will starve.
Many people think fish farming is expensive, but semi intensive fish farming can actually be resource conserving in the long run. Tools such as aerators and filters are necessary to keep the water clean while providing ample oxygen for the fish, all of which farmers utilize. It helps to reduce the costs of food and cleaning.
Thus, semi intensive fish farming is a great bid as both farmers and consumers could leverage from this process. For one, it spells faster production for farmers who can rear a lot of fish within an average cycle. The reasons are twofold: increased food security and less damage to the marine ecosystems - previous cattle farmers who now farm sea water fish; it grows faster in a controlled environment so there is more of it for everyone. This also ensures that there are still fish swimming in the sea for those who love to eat but not to catch them.
The other great advantage is that it preserves wild fish. Certain species of tuna or salmon for example are caught too much in the wild and tough to catch. Farm-raising fish, so people can have a way o eat of eating fish without taking them out of the ocean to make sure there are still enough wild animals alive in the water. This is crucial to keep balance in the oceans so that all fish species can proliferate.
It is wonderful to have plenty of fish for everyone, however taking care of our resources is the first necessity. Yup, sustainability is all about not running out of stuff (running rampant like fossil fuel extraction has turned much more complex than that bit directly above). For instance, if farmers use too much water or food their may not be enough available for other purposes such as potable drinking water for people and needs of animals.
At one time fish farms were viewed as nasty and bad for the environment. Instead, it says that the farms can be clean and sustainable when they practice semi intensive fish farming. This becomes a solution that makes people proud to eat fish coming from these farms. Semi intensive fish farming satisfies the demands of more and more consumers who are looking for responsibly-raised seafood to eat.
Vi er specialiseret i design og fremstilling af PVC stålrør, der understøtter fiskedamme. PVC galvaniserede plader fiskedam. Vi har en række valgmuligheder inden for akvakulturudstyr.
Vi er certificeret af ISO9001, ISO22000 og COA. Vores produkter er med succes blevet solgt til 47 lande og regioner, og 22 store akvakulturanlæg med et areal på mere end 3000 kubikmeter blev bygget med succes. Vores akvakultursystem er blevet brugt til at dyrke rejer og fisk i 112 lande.
Vi tilbyder et omfattende akvakulturprogram, som omfatter forskellige elementer såsom layoutdesign, udstyrskonfiguration, budgettering, installation af udstyr og akvakulturteknologisk assistance. Det kan hjælpe dig med at afslutte implementeringen af hele dit akvakulturprojekt, som noget almindelige virksomheder ikke kan levere.
Vi har over 15 års produktionserfaring i akvakulturbranchen og er blandt de tre bedste virksomheder i hele den kinesiske akvakultursektor. Vi har strategiske partnerskaber med forskellige anerkendte kinesiske universiteter og har dygtige teamdesignere med høj tæthed, som kan levere produkter og service af højeste kvalitet.