Have you heard of ultraviolet sterilizers? These machines are unique, and they have a little light that emits ultraviolet wavelengths which kills germs on contact. Ultraviolet lightULTRAVIOLET LIGHT: It is a type of invisible, has the ability to work miracles on cleaning and disinfection. Think of a little device that can shoot those pesky germs, which are the very reason we get sick!
It works by radiating UV rays on surfaces, water and even the air we breathe. This light is very bright, and it kills grocery germs that we can't see because they are good for groceries. It can feel like one moment you're waving a magic wand, cleaning without chemicals… It is like the best thing ever but also safe for us and so easy! You do not need to be an expert on how it works, you just follow a few basic steps.
So, what is photolysis? This means the UV light actually destroys functionality of DNA similar to germs and viruses. In turn, these germs are unable to thrive or reproduce. Or more simply, they mess up how these bacteria spread and turn them noninfectious. Thats why having UV sterilizers is very important since they way to make our water and air clean that can use for everyone. They keep our environment safer!
Do you realize there are things that can make us very, incredibly not well? The ones that can grow in large numbers and are able to give infections, allergies etc. or even more dangerous diseases just by being on your skin! Hence it becomes really important to maintain cleanliness in our own surroundings. However, at times cleaning with soap and water does not effectively eliminate all the germs.
This is where UV sterilizers save the day! On surfaces and objects, they can eliminate up to 99.9% of germs and viruses which are hiding in there. They are ideal for cleaning toothbrushes, toys, mobiles, keyboards etc. It is like You have duper hero in your home, who always fighting with germs and ensuring that we are healthy!
UV sterilizers are incredibly effective at cleaning water and air, but they can also be used just as successfully to sanitize surfaces and objects. There are many items that can be sterilized by using UVs, this may surprise you. Here are some examples:
Cell Phones: Our mobile phones are the devices we touch everyday and they may be more bacteria-laden than any other of our gadgets. Utilizing a UV sterilizer with your phone identifies this gropes along the way, and bacteria can be only bactericide if not die you prevents from unwell.
Vi leverer en omfattende akvakulturplan, som kan omfatte forskellige aspekter, såsom skemadesign, udstyrskonfiguration, budgetplanlægning, installation af udstyr og akvakulturteknologisk assistance. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at afslutte implementeringen af hele dit akvakulturprojekt, som noget almindelige virksomheder ikke tilbyder.
Vi har mere end 15 års erfaring med produktion i akvakulturindustrien. Vi er blandt de tre bedste virksomheder i den kinesiske akvakulturindustri. Vi har strategiske alliancer med en række kendte kinesiske universiteter og har helt sikkert dygtige team high-density system ingeniører og ingeniører, der er i stand til at levere produkter og tjenester af den bedste kvalitet.
Vi er certificeret af ISO9001, ISO22000 og COA. Vores produkter er med succes blevet solgt til 47 lande og regioner, og 22 store akvakulturanlæg med et areal på mere end 3000 kubikmeter blev bygget med succes. Vores akvakultursystem er blevet brugt til at dyrke rejer og fisk i 112 lande.
Vi er specialiseret i fremstilling af PVC stålrørsstøtter til fiskedamme. PVC galvaniserede plader fiskedamme. Vi tilbyder en række valgmuligheder for akvakultursystemer.