Do you know how and where your food is grown? It’s an interesting question! There are some foods that grow on plants (e. g., great-tasting fruits such as apples and bananas) while others can be called health-promoting vegetables, for example carrots and broccoli). Other foods are made from animals, like meat (beef and chicken) and dairy products such as milk and cheese. But have you ever considered eating…insects? It sounds strange, but insects can provide a very healthy source of protein, which is essential for the functioning and health of our body. In addition, bugs are simple to cultivate and require significantly less space than conventional livestock. Because of this, some farmers are beginning to raise insects for food that can be eaten by people and animal feed. Yeah, but how do they catch all those tiny insects? Well, this is where an object known as the Harvest Insect Incubator comes into play! Let’s learn more about it!
Collecting will also take time if done by hand as it can be difficult to put in that kind of legwork. So when you have the Harvest Bug Incubator however, it is pretty simple and quick! Think of one large box with shelves inside. In this way, insects have a place to lay their eggs. Once they hatch, baby insects that look like minuscule larvae emerge from the eggs. Those larvae then crawl down to the bottom of a shelf, where they fall into a separate collection tray. The netting can be taken out, and the grubs are easy to collect. It made the entire process faster and less tedious for farmers to accomplish.
Insects are an excellent protein source; however, they are not always easy to rear as it requires a controlled environment in order for them to develop. The Harvest Insect Incubator uses intelligent technology to make it more accessible and efficient. It is a wonderful incubator that can regulate essential components such as temperature, humidity and light. Essentially, by controlling for these exact conditions, the incubator provides ideal growth environment for bugs. It even has a system to feed the bugs automatically! This frees up the farmer from having to spend all of their time feeding insects including those tasks that allow this farm thrive.
The Harvest Insect Incubator is ideal when it comes to using maximum of the insects while farming. Farmers can raise temperature, humidity and light for their insects the way they see fit as well feed them to create optimal conditions where bugs will grow quick and salutary. This increases the number of insects farmers can collect at a time and thereby sell more products to their customers. Through this incubator farmers are given the opportunity to scale up and produce more insect derived proteins for humans & animals alike. This great news as it means the production of food is smarter!
Today, one of the main obstacles in food industry tries to find a way producing more protein while there are increasing number of people who live on this planet. The more we have to feed, the greater need for long-term solutions. One possible solution is insects, as they are a protein source that can last for us but essentially only need to eat rubbish. It is also environmentally friendlier, since the production of insects does not require as many resources as livestock farming. Insect farms can be even more sustainable and efficient with the Harvest Insect Incubator. Thus, we can at least ensure that our increasing population is well fed while also ensuring what has been borrowed to us in the name of Earth remains intact.
Meet the Harvest Insect Incubator, a disrupting player in insect food industry. This new technology makes it easier for farmers to raise insects, which in theory could be more profitable. The incubator assist in faster collection of insects to the farmers, and increases their insect production by controlling its growth conditions. This means that more food made from insects can be produced and sold, a solution Lam has.ientos hopes will help to provide people (and animals) all over with sustainable protein supply streams. The Harvest Insect Incubator is truly paving the way for a healthier food production in ALL futures.
Vi har over 15 års produktionserfaring inden for akvakultur og er en af de tre bedste virksomheder inden for den kinesiske akvakultursektor. Vi har strategiske partnerskaber med forskellige anerkendte kinesiske universiteter og absolut et dygtigt team af systemdesignere, der er tætte og ingeniører, der er i stand til at levere produkter og tjenester af den bedste kvalitet.
Vi er i stand til at tilbyde dig omfattende akvakulturplaner, der dækker mange aspekter, herunder planens design, konfigurationer af udstyrsbudgetplanlægning, udstyrsinstallation. Dette giver dig mulighed for at afslutte dit akvakulturprojekt. Det kan almindelige virksomheder ikke.
ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE osv. er certificeringerne. Vi har med succes eksporteret vores produkter til 47 lande og har konstrueret 22 store projekter i stor skala med mere end 3000 kubikmeter. Vores akvakultursystem bruges til at dyrke rejer og fisk i 112 lande.
Vi er specialister i produktion af PVC stålrør til støtte for fiskedamme PVC galvaniseret plade fiskedamme samt akvakultur ting PVC ikke drikkevandsposer, TPU, EVA drikkevandsposer, TPU olieposer, PE container engangs væskeposer. Vi har en række valgmuligheder for akvakultursystemets udstyr.