Where fish is farmed for later human consumption. For some fish, they are farmed in the established lakes and ponds. This type is also known as extensive farming. However, people in recent times have considered the importance of healthy food quite a bit. Fish is a protein source and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your heart and brain. It is the reason why now-a- days fish keeping trends are growing at a faster pace. This amaethyddiaeth ffermio pysgod by Wolize is the answer to an increasing demand for fish.
The spaces have the choice to be water tanks with no tours, small raceways or ponds and long narrow channels. Fish are bred in intensive farming conditions so the rearing of all operations is carefully put together to ensure that fish have enough space and support under optimum environmental circumstances. This fferm bysgod brithyll of Wolize is one way in which farmers can contribute to the increasing demand of people for fish on their plates because it so rich in vitamins and minerals.
Farmers can control several variables including water temperature, the fish diet and how much sunlight they receive. All of this combines to create the perfect environment for fish, which ensures they will not only grow at a brisk rate but also be in top physical shape when they reach adulthood. In respect to the above, this ffermydd pysgod Mae'r dull hwn hefyd wedi'i ystyried yn fuddiol i atal lledaeniad clefydau ymhlith pysgod nid yn unig yn sicrhau pysgod iachach yn gyffredinol ond hefyd yn hyrwyddo cynnyrch uwch adeg y cynhaeaf.
Fish farming by Wolize for which most inputs are provided by the farmer has gone through the greatest evolution of systems importance; Valenzuela: Fish especially fish farming in aquaculture is a solid occupation for farmers to start implement some sort of practice centuries ago with very traditional means even before scientist could come up with things that works better.
Although there are many advantages of high-density fish farming, it also has its drawbacks. The first hurdle is what we had to figure out: how do we farm and harvest in a manner that respects the fish, each other, Mother Ocean. Farmers should also avoid overcrowding as well chemical in fish farm. This pysgod fferm pysgod yn niweidiol iawn i bysgod a gallai gael canlyniadau andwyol ehangach. Yn ogystal, dylai'r pysgod godi'n iawn yn y systemau ffermio stocio uchel hyn i wella iechyd da a lleihau lefelau straen.
Rydym yn darparu cynllun dyframaethu cynhwysfawr, a all gynnwys amrywiaeth o agweddau, megis dylunio cynllun, cyfluniad offer, cynllunio cyllideb gosod offer, a chymorth technoleg dyframaethu. Bydd hyn yn eich helpu i orffen gweithrediad eich prosiect dyframaethu cyfan, rhywbeth nad yw busnesau cyffredin yn ei gynnig.
Rydym yn arbenigo mewn gweithgynhyrchu pibellau dur PVC yn cefnogi pyllau pysgod. Pyllau pysgod platiau galfanedig PVC. Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o ddewis ar gyfer pethau systemau dyframaethu.
Mae gennym dystysgrifau fel ISO9001, ISO22000 a COA. Rydym wedi allforio ein cynnyrch yn llwyddiannus i 47 o wledydd ac wedi adeiladu 22 o brosiectau ar raddfa fawr yn gyfanswm o fwy na 3000 metr ciwbig. Defnyddir ein system ddyframaethu ar gyfer cynhyrchu berdys a physgod ar draws 112 o wledydd.
Rydym wedi bod mewn diwydiant dyframaethu ers dros 15 mlynedd ac yn un o'r tri chwmni gorau yn Tsieina. Rydym wedi ffurfio partneriaethau strategol gyda nifer o brifysgolion enwog yn Tsieina. Mae gennym dîm dylunio system dyframaethu dwysedd uchel medrus iawn, a all ddarparu'r cynnyrch a'r gwasanaethau mwyaf uwchraddol i chi.