Do you enjoy eating fish? Milkfish… Have you ever heard of this unique type of fish? Milkfish, also known as bangus or bandeng is one of the popular fishes raised in fish farms across South-East Asia. So here follow our small guide to Milkfish farming tips and how you can succeed in raising these fishes.
Yes you can produce money through birthing milkfish [Chanos Chanos], but at the same time let us think, are we responsible enough;? Remember, these fish may be farmed but they are indigenous to our waters and thus as fish farmers we must look after the environment in which they live. That is, we must be careful and comply with substantial rules which preserve nature's well being. We should not always about earning money, we have to care for our world also.
If we want to raises milkfishs first of all, eggs have a hatch. The hatchery operation is what it's called when the eggs are hatched. We have to take a look at all the key components in order for us to ensure that this process is executed smoothly and effectively. For instance, we must ensure that the water is just warm enough to be soothing for a baby fish and not too cold or hot, sufficient salinity in the water so as it does not cause stress on young fry by overdiluting them of minerals which comes through osmosis if they are kept below surface tension (eg taught livebearers). We also must give them proper food (ideally for this tiny fish).
When hatch out the milkfish in success, then we move them to a big pond. This is so that the baby fish can be given room to grow larger and stronger. Here we want ensure that the number of fish in the pond are just right and provide them with sufficient food during this stage. Furthermore It is also really important to maintain healthy water conditions as well for the fish live and remain safe. Fish can only be healthy if the water they live in is of a good quality, and we need to test regularly that it stays clean.
Aside from being delicious, milkfish can be served in so many ways. For example, milkfish bones can be processed to make flour fish bone which is very good for plant fertilizers that grow. The fish skin can also be turned into leather for making products. Its oil can also be used for massages giving a calming effect.
Jsme certifikováni podle ISO9001, ISO22000 a COA. Naše produkty byly úspěšně prodány do 47 zemí a regionů a bylo úspěšně vybudováno 22 velkých akvakulturních zařízení o ploše více než 3000 metrů krychlových. Náš systém akvakultury se používá k pěstování krevet a ryb ve 112 zemích.
Specializujeme se na návrh a výrobu podpěry ocelových trubek z PVC pro jezírka. PVC pozinkované desky jezírko. Máme široký výběr vybavení pro akvakulturu.
Máme více než 15 let zkušeností s výrobou v odvětví akvakultury a jsme jednou ze tří největších společností v odvětví čínské akvakultury. Máme strategická partnerství s různými renomovanými čínskými univerzitami a vysoce kvalifikovanými návrháři týmových systémů s vysokou hustotou, kteří mohou nabídnout ty nejlepší produkty a služby.
Jsme schopni vám nabídnout kompletní programy akvakultury, které pokrývají různé aspekty, jako je návrh programu, zařízení, které rozhodně konfigurace, plánování rozpočtu a instalace zařízení. To vám pomůže dokončit váš podnik akvakultury. Typický podnik není schopen toto provést.