Have you heard of aquaponics? A unique way to grow food that melds fish farming with gardening and doesn't require soil! The nutrients in the fish help to grow strong and healthy plants ————This is truly a symbiotic relationship The system? The plants and where they are also clean the water for the fish to live in. Netflix circles of life! Aquaponics can farm very smartly and in an opened polluting manner that bearing less amount of water as taking its benefits by growing plany, so this technique used a lot lesser recourses than normal farming like pesticides fertilizers etc. Besides, who doesnt like rainbow fish swimming around!
In some cases you can grow fruits and vegetables throughout the year with aquaponics! That is largely because the system is entirely functional indoors, and not limited by weather conditions. Things like crunchy cool lettuce and vitamin-packed spinach, together with sweet bell peppers that bring pops of color to your meals are all growable in this system. Sweet juicy tomatoes also do really well as they need quite a lot of water so why not add those, and let's not forget delicious strawberries too! Because the aquaponics system is in a controlled environment, there are less pests and diseases that can affect you plant. This translates to fresh eating number one everyday of the season, yes indeed!
Grow Vertically in a Aquaponic System With touchscreen technologies, it is attainable to increase any sort of plants from the ground up. Rather than just growing everything in rows on the ground like traditional farming, you can grow it on shelves or use tall towers to stack all of your plants up high. This is a neat little trick to grow more food in less space! Air circulation also improves by growing the plants this way, allowing for healthier, high yielding crop production. That is a really clever way to use your space and make our aquaponics system most of all!
Aquaponics is awesome because it recycles water! The system recirculates the water and so it is used again multiple times before getting disposed. The plants are in symbiosis with the fish to purify and filter this water(html) In other words, the less water that is required in total) – good for nature and your wallet when you get those monthly water bills.
Aquaponics can be a boon for farmers because it helps in serving of more out its area to grow as compared with traditional farming. This also saves them money on water costs — key to running a profitable farm. Because the aquaponics system can be established in a greenhouse, greenhouse growing is virtually immune to certain pests and diseases that could threaten outdoor farms. In addition, Aquaponics Ensures Food Security and Control (fresher most nutritious food available all year round 24/7 rain or shine). This in turn guarantee that there will always be food wherever you are alive, even when conventional farming is impossible. A win-win situation in every possible scenario!
Jsme certifikováni podle ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE atd. Naše produkty byly úspěšně prodány do 47 regionů a zemí a úspěšně bylo postaveno 22 rozsáhlých zařízení pro akvakulturu s více než 3000 metry krychlovými. Naše akvakulturní systémy produkovaly ryby a krevety ve 112 zemích a regionech.
Máme více než 15 let zkušeností s výrobou v odvětví akvakultury a jsme jednou ze tří největších společností v odvětví čínské akvakultury. Máme strategická partnerství s různými renomovanými čínskými univerzitami a vysoce kvalifikovanými návrháři týmových systémů s vysokou hustotou, kteří mohou nabídnout ty nejlepší produkty a služby.
Poskytujeme komplexní plán akvakultury, který může zahrnovat různé aspekty, jako je návrh schématu, konfigurace zařízení, plánování rozpočtu instalace zařízení a pomoc s technologií akvakultury. To vám pomůže dokončit realizaci celého vašeho projektu akvakultury, což běžné podniky nenabízejí.
Specializujeme se na výrobu ocelových trubek z PVC na podporu jezírek s rybami z PVC pozinkovaného plechu, stejně jako na věci pro akvakulturu PVC vaky na pitnou vodu, TPU, EVA vaky na pitnou vodu, TPU vaky na olej, PE nádoby na jednorázové vaky na tekutiny. Máme řadu možností pro vybavení akvakulturního systému.