In intensive aquaculture systems like this one, that's the upside — these fish have room to roam. It gives them the room to exercise and stay active. Healthy fish with lots of space to move are less likely to become ill. This is a major advantage to farmers as it reduces the need for medications that have traditionally been used in keeping fish healthy. Speaking of the fish, medication is not something they enjoy or necessarily require and fewer drugs are always a good thing for them — as well as the environment.
There are many different types of fish and other water animals that can be raised using aquaculture extensive. Wherein, the salmon farmers will be there catfish or tilapiaubernetes and so on. Some even raise shrimp! This diversity allows farmers to select the kinds of fish that grow best in their region, or which consumers demand. By producing a wide range of fish, farmers can cater to customer demands and ensure that they have enough production for sale.
In addition to fish, major aquaculture species include other marine organisms. These farmers will raise oysters and clams, organisms that do not have to swim like fish as they could grow more or less on a fixed spot. This flexibility in the production of different types of seafood can be highly advantageous to regional markets and restaurants, making it a viable way for widescale aquaculture operations.
Fish raised in a large area, such as pond or lake make less waste than those from small tank. This keeps the water clean, and therefore safe for fish. Cleaner water is essential so the fish can be healthy, and also benefits other animals and plants that live in the area. It also imply that the environment in near is not going to get polluted. Both wildlife species and people need a safe environment in which to live.
Recently, farmers have even been using spartic acids to fertilize their nearby fields off of the waste produced by these fish. As a result, this makes the soil rich and more hospitable for plants. The plants receive nutrients with the water and convert CO2 to oxygen, offsetting the fish's carbon. This natural cycle improves agriculture and gives a positive environmental track making extensive aquaculture valuable for sustainable farming operations.
Extensive aquaculture contributes to providing employment besides farmers also earn some money. From there the fish can be bought by buyers who distribute them to stores and restaurants after they have grown. This means fish are stocked in ponds, so farmers can harvest the water when needed and thereby earn money from growing fish to sell locally. Farmers can also make money, so they spend it in the communities — a mutual promise for growth everywhere.
Putting many different fish types and other water animals in one location causes a unique environment. Every specie has its role and they all interact in some weird ways. This kind of diversity makes for a pretty thrilling set-up as far as aquaculture goes, and interesting to explore in the broader context of biological systems. These interactions, once understood between the two can guide our agricultural practices and result in a win-win situation for fish as well as farmers.
Jsme certifikováni podle ISO9001, ISO22000 a COA. Dodali jsme naše produkty do 47 zemí a postavili 22 rozsáhlých velkoobjemových projektů s více než 3000 metry krychlovými. Naše akvakulturní systémy se používají k produkci krevet a ryb ve 112 zemích.
Specializujeme se na výrobu ocelových trubek z PVC podpěry rybníků. PVC pozinkované desky jezírka na ryby. Nabízíme řadu možností pro věci akvakulturních systémů.
V odvětví akvakultury se pohybujeme již 15 let a jsme jednou ze 3 nejlepších společností v Číně. Navázali jsme strategická partnerství s mnoha renomovanými čínskými univerzitami. Máme také velmi zkušený a hustý tým designérů akvakultury, který vám poskytne produkty a služby nejvyšší kvality.
Poskytujeme podrobný program akvakultury, který zahrnuje různé aspekty, jako je návrh schématu a také konfigurace zařízení, plánování rozpočtu, instalace zařízení a pokyny k technologiím akvakultury. To vám může pomoci dokončit váš podnik akvakultury. Firmy, které toho nejsou schopny.